
Do You PopoZao?

Notorious B.I.G And Tupac Changed Rap And Hip Hop. Then Came Bowow. Now It's Kevin Federline? We Are Sooo Headed Back To Being Cavemen
Hey. Hazim here...again. Anyways, I kinda feel guilty bout trashing Britney when she isn't busy trashing herself...which means I don't trash her all that much. I don't get why Britney would stick with a dog like Kevin. It appears to me that Britney is the one eating out of Kevins palm. Apparently, Kevin or KFed or "fucking manipulative loser dude" however you wanna call him, has spent A MILLION DOLLARS OF BRITNEY'S MONEY to record his debut album. He was charged with 40,000 per producer. And guess who's money he used? Noone needs to guess. Everybody knows.
Kevin has released two songs (PopoZao and Y'all Ain't Ready-believe me, none of us are) over the internet and apparently they're being downloaded fast by people who don't think it's hot shit, but people who need something to really laugh at cos Chapelle's show is no more and they don't have the DVD set. I don't really know why Britney isn't doing anything to stop his never-ending shopping spree. One more thing, Britney has already dished out 400 grand to build KFed his recording studio (I'm saying KFed cos it's only
three syllables).
You know what I'm hoping, I'm hoping people treat his music like they treat William Hung's (Hey, who remembers him?). Everyone will laugh at him and download his stuff and KFed will get bigheaded and think he's headed for a Grammy award or something. Then he'll divorce poor Britney and fall flat on his face. Then the world will be 13% more back to normal.
They should have a tabloid magazine on Britney and Kevin. You could fill pages out everyday. Oh and one more thing, Kevin's been making "pig" noises when Britney is eating, apparently making fun of her weight. Also when Britney's thighs rub together when she walks, he laughs too. Now isn't that the husband of the new millenium? hahaha. Anyways, I always thought Britney had the potential to be the Donna Summers of the new millenium. She's actually done some really good songs like "Toxic". But hey Potential Don't Mean Shit If You Don't Want To Get Better. Anyways, i usually post lyrics, so here's a ltric from Britney's "Outrageous". Dunno why I'd post that, but whatever. Maybe it's insight on the only reason Britney is with Kevin still-he's good in bed? Doubt it. hahaha. And how in the world would I ever care?
Lying Alone,
Touching My Skin,
I'm Falling Under,
A Girl Like Me,
And I Can't Hold It In,
It Makes Me Wonder,
Yeah, we're all wondering too, Britney. Here a few news articles on them. Can someone please HELP me. For some reason, i seem to be addicted to what Britney's up to. I think I need to check into rehab. Hazim. Out.
Federline Makes Pig Noises While Eating Together
Britney Spears Furious Over Kevin Federline's Shopping Spree
Britney Rushes To Stop KFed From Piercing Baby's Ears: Afraid He'll Look Like Trash
Kevin's "PopoZao" Only A Snippet Of His Lyrical Prowess-Yeah, Right. Give Me A break


Lullabies To Paralyze

Apparently, Brody Dalle missed the mark when they told her to wear black to the funeral.
Hey. Hazim here...again. I just found out Oasis will be doing a concert nearby and you know what I did? i yawned. They were pretty exciting, the key word being "were". At least I got the Franz Ferdinand tickets. Anyways, although it's not as huge as Gwen Stefani being pregnant or Angelina being pregnant or Britney's birth of her son...but hey, it's rock royalty. Josh Homme and Brody Dalle (of The Distillers) have a new daughter. I think The Distillers are awesome and I've got their last album playing most of the time, so I thought this was big enough to be mentioned on my blog.
Camille Homme is a girl who's damn lucky to be crowned princess of rock considering her parents are Josh Homme and Brody Dalle. Bite that, Apple Martin! She was born in Los Angeles on a Tuesday and she weighed around 6 pounds (honestly I don't care bout the weight). I wonder how it'll affect their new recording process. Maybe they'll have a scream off between Brody and Camille!hahaha. Josh Homme would make a perfect dad. They're cooler than watching Tom Cruise (Brainwashing scientologist freak show. forgets he needs to take meds) and Katie Holmes (OK in Batman Begins, but is still a Brainwashed now scientologist freak show pretending to be pregnant). That goes without saying. Anyways, Coral Fang was an awesome album by The Distillers. But imagine Brody singin Lullabies to Paralyze to the baby. That would be messed up, but cool.
I haven't put on my Queens Of The Stone Age album in a while. Listening to it too much stoner rock makes me feel like a drunken bastard. Anyways, good luck to the couple. And I'm hoping for an awesome Distillers comeback. Until next time. Hazim. Out. By the way, here are a few links to sites relating to Josh Homme, The Distillers, and whatever else I decided to put. Oh and just imagine Brody singin one of her songs to her baby with these lyrics:
Hold On To The Memory It's All You Got,
I Know You'll Be There To Soak Up Blood Lost,
hahaha. Now that isn't too far from what my mother would say now...kidding. Hazim. Really Out Of It Now. BY THE WAY ALICIA KEYS WANTS TO WORK WITH QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE! THAT WOULD BE HOT SHIT!


The Ego Of Kanye

Hey. Hazim here...again. The first day of the Chinese New Years was great. i hung around my friend's house, got stuffed and got money. It was awesome. I'm not Chinese but hey, my friends invited me over. Now I'm stting at the computer, full, satisfied, and listening to The Flaming Lips. They got a new record coming out soon. I'm tapping my feet in anticipation 4 their new material.
Anyways, wherever you are in the world, you're mostly surrounded by one common thing-no, it's not oxygen--it's Kanye West. Yeah, he's talented. Yes, he's got a keen sense of fashion. But hell, his ego is bigger than JLo's ass! And that's talkin bout planet mass right there! I'm sure most people know by now, Kanye has appeared on the cover of Rolling Stones dressed up as none other than Jesus himself. I don't know what was goin thru his mind when he agreed 2 shoot like that (maybe it was his idea) but a lot of people are saying he went too far. Maybe he thinks of himself at the same level as Jesus or maybe he was going for something artistic. All I know is he'd better pray the Grammy voters don't look down on his "self-elevation". In my opinion, Kanye is a little kid who's got the chops and is already getting attention, but he wants more. Ladies and gentlemen, prepare for...The Cult Of Kanye!hahaha. Hey, Clay Aiken has his own cult. It could happen.With the Aiken cult existing, who needs horror flicks?
Apparently he's taking his song "Jesus Walks" to another level. He's so full of himself now he hasn't got space for nothing else. Actually, he's done some great work in the past and even haters have to admit his albums stand heads and shoulders bove a lot of recent albums. He's got the gift of gab in rapping and his lyrics are a hell of a lot more meaningful than any Hilary Duff song. But with every good thing, there's a con and Kanye's ego's gonna catch his hair on fire (wait, I don't think Kanye's got that much hair. Whatever).
But Kanye's not a pioneer. Not in doing this whole religious taboo thing anyway. PDiddy/Diddy/PuffDaddy/WeirdAssDudeWithIdentityCrisis (whatever u want to call him-and Nas have both done it by hanging themselves on crosses on in a video and Tupac did it on his album cover. Well, I've been reading a few remarks from psychology college professors (Why do I read their crap?) and they say Kanye's "damaged emotionally". Yeah, maybe his dog died when he was nine or something. Heck, everyone's got issues but they don't deal with em like Kanye.
Here are a few of Kanye's "modest" quotes. I'm clearing my throat now.
"Me" His reply when asked about the best thing about hiphop in 2004.
"I Tivo Rap Videos So I Can Study Them. To Learn What Steps To Crush Em All"
"I Wanna Have Ten Songs In The Top Ten. I Had Six"
"I Was The Best New Artist This Year So Get That other Bullshit Outta Here"
"Don't Ask Me Bout The Best Song Of 2005. My Opinion Is The Same As America's. "Gold Digger"
"Why Wasn't "Gold Digger" Nominated For A Best rap Song. That's A Gimme Grammy"
Anyways, so goes on the story of Knaye. Don't get me wrong. I LIKE KANYE's music. I think there will be people agreeing with him and people dissing him. It's just that he's making the lines less blurry and most people don't want to get disconnected from what they already see. Wow. Did I just say something deep? Go me! hahaha. Here are a few links if u wanna read bout him.
Grammy Preview: Kanye West
His Official Site
Kanye's Papa Unhappy With Kanye's Lyrics
Until Next Time. Hazim. Out.

Happy Chinese New Year!

Hey. Hazim here...again. Anyways, it's Chinese New Year. I didn't put an exclamation mark at the end cos I didn't get much sleep last night. The fireworks sounded more like bombs. It started at around midnight, and I thought "Oh, that's okay. People are celebrating", but then it kept going ang going and goin and...yeah, morning came and the fireworks were on strong. I feel like yanking my hair out cos I didn't get enuff shuteye. Aargh!
Despite that, my Chinese friends have invited me over to their houses. I think I'll go a bit later. They should spend time with their family first. Gong Xi Fat Chai. It's the year of the dog. See my previous post Year Of The Dog:Whatever. I had some different ideas for idolized animals. hahaha. I'm gonna go out. There will be discounts at malls, free parties, and tons of food. Who's gonna miss out on that? I'm gonna update this later. Hazim. Out.


We Are Scientists

Thugs Of The New Millenium Sure Look Different
Hey. Hazim here...again. It's really hot here. Feel like going commando actually. Hey, at least I'll look better than my one-nippled neighbor (OK he actually doesn't have one nipple, but he's definitely deformed). Airconditioning. Fans. Listening to triphop. Nothing's working! Anyways, wanted to share and spread the word about an up and coming hot artist. I did Rachael YamagataTheArcticMonkeys and Jenny Lewis if you checked my previous posts. This band is hot stuff. I saw them in BLENDER magazine and decided to go check em out. Indie girls are gonna melt when they hear this music. Perfect for indie couples looking for the perfect "mutualinterest" date. Imagine punkpop crossing over electro rock turf. I know, I know. There's plenty of Franz Ferdinands and Strokes wannabes around, but hey, if I feature it on my blog, it's gotta be good!hahaha. Their major label debut is called With Love And Squealor. If they ever come by your city for a gig, get tickets right away. I heard girls are dragging their BFs to go. Here's a sample lyric from one of their songs called "The Scene Is Dead"

Well Everything's Another Excuse,
To Keep Me From Doing What I Want To,
Like I Would Really Love To Kiss You,
But I Guess I'm In No Condition,

I think they've got lots of gusto when they perform. By the way, I actually had to look up the word "Squealor" hahaha. Hey, nobody's English is pitch perfect. Here's the full track listing for their album.
Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt
The Scene Is Dead
Can't Lose
Cash Cow
It's A Hit
The Great Escape
Lousy Reputation
Worth The Wait
What's The Word

I like to list the album tracks cos you get a sense of how they think when they write stuff. If you want to go to their website. Click here. Until Next Time...Oh, by the way, my parents are back from the Philipines. Got a mess to clean up. Thought I'd put that in the back of my post. hahaha. Hazim. Out.

Stupid Girls

I Know You're Kinky Tommy, But This...

Hey. Hazim here...again. Earlier when I started posting, I posted one of life's great mysteries, Why The Hell Is Britney Still Married? Well, the next question isn't that mysterious, but I keep scatching my head everytime. The question is Why The Hell Does Pink Act Like Pink? I mean, she goes around dissing people like a little kid screaming for attention. Anyways, her new single is called Stupid Girls. Is she talking about the many facets of her personality. No. Actually, she's dissing Lindsay Lohan, Jessica Simpson, and Paris Hilton for not being good role models for young teenage girls. That's a good thing....cos forgive me for a sec, do you really think a teenage girl would look up to Pink. Remember the Lady Marmalade video? (I needto clear my mind. That video was HOT). But the point is, should a heavy smoker, girlkissing nonlesbian, swearing database, and often scandalously dressed singer be a better role model than the rest of the Hollywood girls. Yeah, so Lindsay's addicted to bitch fights and Britney's addicted to Kevin (for some odd mysterious reason 7.9 billion people will never know including Kevin himself).
In her new video, Pink is mocking Jessica Simpson's video by washing a car in skimpy clothes. What better way to diss the way they dress than to dress like them? hahaha. Pink's confused. She's got the whole rocker attitude and I'll have to admit, her voice is one of the best when heard live with just a piano or guitar, but she's got issues to work out.
Some people say Pink's career is all downhill. So while thinking of a way to rebound on the haters who said that, she's naming her album I'm Not Dead. Isn't that kinda bringing attention to the fact that your career is failing? By saying "I'm not dead"?
I think the video will be out soon. I dunno if you should check MTV for it. MTV's been playing everything but videos lately. hahaha. Here's a link to a few Pink sites. Hazim. Out.


Here's the article I got it from. Click here.


Yoko Ono Vs. Lindsay Lohan

After checking it's fat content, a gaunt Lindsay Lohan finally just said "Fuck It" and devoured a fully operational microphone in front of hundreds of stunned onlookers. It's expected to pass sometime this weekend.

Hey. Hazim here...again. I think I've got a fever and I'm coughing like I've got a buzzer stuck in my throat. Reminds me of my friend, Syamir, with his recent asthma attack. Anyways, I was reminded of Lindsay's recent asthma attack. Well apparently, she's starring in a movie with Jared Leto about the life of Mark Chapman. Mark Chapman was a greedy man, selfish, cunning...and he killed John Lennon. Yoko Ono is furious about the production of the movie. In her shoes, I would totally go on a rampage to try and stop filming. Who would want a film about the life of their spouse's murderer? You can click here for more info.
Anyways, I think Lindsay's a good actress and all, but if this film portrays Mark Chapman as a good man, then all hell will break loose in Hollywood. There will be hate mails and graffiti. John Lennon was a legend. His murder did not make people happy. Hahaha. get ready for World War 2007.
I fI was to be neutral. I'd say that they have the right to make a movie about anything they want and obviously, by picking the topic they have picked, they want controversy. Controversy sells. Perfect movies about perfect people in perfect situations don't. We like to see other people messed up. It's like watching wrestling (I don't watch WWE by the way, so whatever). But then I'd say that if you were to be morally righteous (which most of us would be on Santa's bad list), then they should have asked for Yoko's OK before beginning.
Well, in other news. Tommy Mottola (the guy who steered Mariah Carey's early career) has only one client left-Lindsay Lohan! I'm sorry. I have to STOP! I'm laughing as I'm typing this!hahaha. Lindsay's gonna grow up to be Courtney Love. All messed up. She's got talent but Potential Don't Mean Shit If You Don't Want To Get Better. Anyways, there's a site you can go to to play a game. It's called FEED LINDSAY LOHAN! Click here.


Idiot Wind

Hey. Hazim here. Wanted to share something. Well, here it goes. When I was seven and I first came to US, I was a little bit nervous wonderin what it was gonna be like to live there and everything. I was only SEVEN. Anyways, we iived in these apartments called The Meadows and one of the neighbors saw me walking around and called me to her porch to talk and get to know me. She was playin something on the radio. I always wondered what an American would listen to, so I asked her if that was what she liked to hear. And she said "yeah, it is. But usually, mostly grownups like this stuff." Being a little kid, I was a bit off center, so I pretended I liked the song cos I thought that all Americans liked country music and stuff and at the time, Bob Dylan seemed country to me. "Idiot Wind" was playing. The album was Blood On The Tracks. I told her I wanted to listen to more and she lent me the cassette. I felt special-like I was listening to something a grownup would listen to. I'd try and figure out what the lyrics meant. That was the only Bob Dylan album I listened to for a while and I never did return the cassette. Now I'm almost eighteen and yeah, the lyrics mean something. I dunno. I kinda just wanted to share that. Here's some lyrics to Shelter From The Sorm. You don't have to be that old to enjoy someone like Bob Dylan. That's what I figured out.
Well, the deputy walks on hard nails and the preacher rides a mount,
But nothing really matters much, it's doom alone that counts,
And the one-eyed undertaker, he blows a futile horn,
"Come in" she said,
"I'll give you shelter from the storm"
I wish I could see him live in concert. It'd mean a lot even if there were a million people there and I was in the back row. It'd still be Bob Dylan. Awwww. Now I'm getting all mushy and sad. I'd better slap myself be4 I start quoting Shakespeare and whatever stuff.
Franz Ferdinand live in Singapore's still cool 4 me. I haven't been very happy with the acts that have put Malaysia or Singapore as part of their tour list lately. Backstreet Boys? Fort Minor (Linkin Park's better)? I think Franz Ferdinand takes the blue ribbon. Anyways, here are a few links to a few sites regarding the great man, Bob Dylan.

Franz Feridnand Live In Singapore!

Hey. Hazim here...again. Anyways, when my friend Elizabeth came over and she gave me the best present I've gotten this year-tickets 2 see FRANZ FERDINAND at the Singapore Indoor Stadium! I think I hugged her to death! This is so awesome!Thanx Liz! Anyways, I'm heading for Singapore in a few minutes, so I'll update this later. I feel like singing "I have tickets 2 go see Franz Ferdinand!" I was actually going to get them myself, but hey, now I've got it 4 free! Hazim. Out.


Adopt Paris Hilton

Every 5 minutes, a celebrity either gets totally hung over, has a leaked sex tape, is in court, or involved in an accident with the paparzzi. These children are lost and need your help. Please donate your efforts in endorsing what they do. It's for the good of human nature. Adopt a celebrity today.
Hey. Hazim here...again. Here's a question equivalent to a seven year old answering what's 1 + 1. Is there a single day that goes by without Paris Hilton being in the tabloids? Uh, no. I'm thinking it's like the tabloids have adopted her and are keeping an eye on her. Like she needs to be taken care of. Let's sympathize with a girl who's got over 100 million in fortune and she can just do whatever she wants, whenever she wants, however she wants, and still walk away holding her chihuaha or whatever that hairy thing she's always holding, feeling smug. Actually, I'm just being jealous. But who wouldn't wanna live her life?
Did you know Paris refused to pose naked for Playboy recently? Uh, didn't anyone tell her she already whored herself out on" One Night In Paris?" Guess not. Also, here's another update for Celebrity Child Of The Tabloids Paris Hilton. She recently lost control of her bladder in a cab while drunk. Apparently, the cab driver is using the cloth he used to clean the mess up to be used as DNA evidence in court. Can you go to jail for pissing in a cab? All I know is Lil Kim needs another uncontrolable biach to keep her company. Why am I bothering with someone else's life. Cos that's something universal-not minding our own business.

Paris is Paris. Everybody has their own specailty, something that they do best. I guess Paris is just keeping tabloids happy and nosy guys like me satisfied. Anyways, like I said, Paris is coming out with an album. (unenthusiastic)yay. I am a little bit curious cos she teamed up with Scott Storch. Ugh. Paris. I'm sure she'll come out with a ballad called "My Socialite" about how "painful" it is to have all that money, and still suffer from being an "all night don't stop til they're done taking photos for tomorrow's paper" party girl. Doesn't everybody relate to that? Awww....whatever. I'm done talking about her. Once a day is enough. I'll check on my adopted baby tomorrow.
Here a few artists comng out with new material for 2006.
Kanye WestEvanescenceChristinaAguileraOutkastRedHotChiliPeppersTool

The list looks hot. I'm especially looking forward to see what Outkast have to offer. I heard some samples of Nelly Furtado's and Pink's new material. Hot. And ladies and gentlemen, the return of....THE FUGEES! (Enthusuastic)yay. I heard Fefe Dobson got some advice from Courtney Love, Joan Jett, and Cyndie Lauper. All respectable rock chicks back in the day. Until next time. Hazim. Out.


Jenny Lewis

Hey. Hazim here...and getting sick of typing that. Anyways, like the previous post said, here's another artist I advise everyone worth their musical salt 2 go n check out. She's the lead singer of the awesome indie band, Rilo Kiley. Jenny Lewis is the kind of girl indie guys wanna date. I'm not an indie guy, but whatever, I still like her. They feature her band's music on the OC (Apparently, if your band's music is featured on the OC, then it's the equivalent of earning royalty status in the indie rock world). Her new music isn't that different, but she does duets with (get ready for this), Ben Gibbard from Death Cab For Cutie (Another OC fave), James Valentine from Maroon 5, M ward, and least but not least (okay, indie chicks, get ready 4 this one), Conor Oberst from Bright Eyes! Hot hot hot CD! The album is called Rabbit Fur Coat. The CD is actually listed under The Watson Twins, but Jenny's the main attraction. She's on every single track. Rilo Kiley's music is like Death Cab For Cutie with a girl singin the main vocals. Her new CD is like Rilo Kiley with big boys backing her up. Here's a track listing. She's also got Nellie McKay's attitude.
Run Devil Run
The Big Guns
Rise Up With Fists
The Charging Sky
Melt Your Heart
You Are What You Love
Rabbit Fur Coat
Handle With care
Born Secular
It wasn't Me
Happy (Reprise)
Most Def something 2 check out. I doubt the CD will be sold here yet, so I guess I'm gonna have to download legally ( this is the part where I act real proud). hahaha. By the way, 4 those of you who don't know, jenny Lewis is a former child actress. Like the rest of the world, she discovered that Musicians Turn More People On Than Actors Ever Will. By the way, you can sample her at the site below. And here's a sample lyric. Enjoy. Hazim. Out.
What Are You Changing?
Who Do You Think You're Changing?
You Can't Change Things, We're All Stuck In Our Ways,
It's Like Trying To Clean The Ocean,
What Do You Think You Can Drain It?
Well It Was Poison And Dry Long Before You Came


Kish Kash College

Hey. Hazim...here. The three hour car ride is over. I checked out a few colleges. My forecast results for my exams aren't something 2 shout about, but hey, it doesn't make me look retarded when I go up to someone and say"Hello. I'm interested in maybe applying for a scholarship." But wherever you go, you're always gonna end up spending. I hope I can get a scholarship cos I've already sucked plenty of money from my mother. All the private colleges want money. The governmentfunded ones lack focus and attention. I think I'll stick 2 my original battle plan-Take the American Degree Transfer program, major in psychology or political science or both, complete the six levels of French exams, then enter university in California.
Anyways, thanx 4 posting, Liz. I'm not avoiding Rachel if that's what you're implying.
I think it's wiser for wannabe parents 2 adopt 18 year olds with their own apartment. hahaha. I'm in Kuala Lumpur right now. Haven't got any time 2 go shopping cos I'll be heading back home tonite. I'm gonna be exhausted. No wait, I already am.
Anyways, was thinking bout what else 2 write. But I've got writer's block cos I'm so damn tired. Back and forth. Back and forth. All over the place. Anyways, above is a post on a hot new artist. I already featured Rachael Yamagat and The Arctic Monkeys, so now, it's Jenny Lewis taking hints from Gwen Stefani, Rob Thomas, and Mutya Bena. She's gone solo! For those of you who don't know, she's the lead singer of Rilo Kiley, who are in my opinion, the coolest band besides The Ramones, Outkast, and...well, there are a lot of bands cooler, but Rilo Kiley is still hot.

Dogs Die In Hot Cars

Hey. Hazim here...again. I'm on a three hour car ride to visit a few colleges. It's not really comfortable here. We just stopped at my aunt's house to rest so I took out my laptop and went on the net. Kinda boring-my aunt that is. My uncle's a sports car fanatic. He owns three. You can compliment him on the car or ask bout horsepower, or pick-up or whatever car freaks talk about, but you can't touch his car. Otherwise, he'd slaughter you. The ride is boring. I was playing tic-tac-toe on some other guy's blog link. I called my friend Syamir. He just had an asthma attack, worse than the one Lindsay Lohan had. Hope he'll be fine. He's resting at home now. I think I'll update this later. I'm kinda tired. I'm gonna sleep the rest of the way. Later. Dudes and dudettes. hahaha. First time in my life I typed that. Dudes and dudettes. Funny. I think I'll use it again. By the way, Dogs Die In Hot Cars is a song from Belle And Sebastian. Hazim. Out.

My Rap Sheet

Hey. Hazim here...again. My French teacher and her family are so perfect-it makes me gag. They're like a deformed Brady Bunch. They're always smiling at each other and sayin stuff like "I believe you can do it" straight out of a Celine Dion song. I went 2 see her. I'll be doing the six levels of French 2 get my international certificate that says I can professionally converse in French. All the while I'm thinking-why the hell did I pick French? It's so damn hard. Pourquoi? Je Ne Sais Pas.
Anyways, I was watching MTV and hip hop seems 2 be dominating the pop charts nowadays. The good ones, in my opinion (Kanye West, JayZ, Camron, Jelz Santana, Eminem, Young Jeezy) are the kind of rappers where u recognize their style, their flow, their ....whatever immediately when u hear them on the radio. The bad ones (Bowow, Bowow, and Bowow) try 2 copy the big boys, but end up falling flat on their faces. True, all Kanye seems 2 do is borrow samples from toher songs like Ray Charles and Chaka Khan, but at least he can build a big fat chart topper around it and make the critics happy (he's nominated 4 8 Grammys). Bowow goes on all out bragfests, but it's more like a tiger cub frontin with a Tiger.
Hip Hop and rap songs r great ways 2 get people moving at a party, but they all sound so alike. Here's a few easy steps 2 construct your own Hip Hop Billboard Chart Topping single.
1: Ask Kanye 2 be your producer
2: Ask JayZ to endorse you.
3: Find a booty shaking metaphor like "Tootsie Rolls" or "Cinanamon Buns"
4: Sample some old hit, so it shows that u dug deep in music's roots 2 come up with your hit.
5: Rap bout girls or cash or cars or all three and wrap it around the sample music.
6: Shoot a video with girls or cash or cars or all three and wrap it around a club scene where it looks like you're the pimp.
7: Get shot nine times, diss Lil Kim, or start your own energizing drink.
8: Don't say the word "bling". It's so 2005.
9: When u get your 15 seconds of fame, name drop me (Hazim), so I can cash in on the endorsement and write a best-selling self-help book.

Anyways, rap doesn't always have to be bout partyin. I like Young Jeezy and Clipse cos they're cold. Their happy faces are like 50 Cent's gangsta face. Imagine 50 Cent's son (he has a son by the way) at school and all the kids go up 2 him and say "Way Cool! Your dad's been shot nine times!". Then it's high school and college and they wanna see if he's tough like his dad. Then when he's trynna live his life and handle his job and family matters, he gets embarassed cos by then, 50 Cent would be 50 years old and well...Remember Vanilla Ice? Anyone who's gonna follow the instructions above should check out these lyrics from a typical rap party tune. It's from Bowow by the way. Again, he's like a rapping Hilary Duff wearing gangsta's clothing. No talent. My friend adores him though. She thinks she's cute. When she said that I wasn't so sure I was alive anymore.
Make girls fall out
Lose they mind
Girl fighting over me like Brooke Valentine (Ha, ha)
I Been known get down and do my thing
Got women over 35
Screamin my name (Bow Wow)
Flow so insane
Everytime I drop
Makin hits after hits
I won't stop (naw)
Lil Kids to adults
Rappin my songs
If you though JD wrote this
You wrong (it's me)
If you ask me how i'm livin
I'll tell you I'm great
Money stacks taller than the impire state (damn)
Hottest thing since the LL and Kool Moe beef
You can line them guys up
But I put em to sleep (that's right)
I'm the B-O-W (Who?)
And these cats know how it go
Since 13 I been known for bumpin out that steam
Ain't nuthin changed homeboy
I'm still bringin the heat

[Chorus 2x]
And I got a
Pocket full of dough
Sold out shows
Steppin out the Phantom
Wit the suicide do's
Yeahhh (I'm Booooow)
I'm the B-O-W

[Verse 2]
I'm known as the low key don
Get up out the stores like Pokemon
Did (ha, ha)
I ain't impressed by thes tuff that yall did
I'm way beyond it (uh huh)
I'm in the Phantom
Hop out handsome
Can't nobody do it like my grandmama grandson (naw)
Rock shades and some Bathing Apes
New cars everytime they changin shapes
I had cake before
I got alot more
Way before I did the first scream tour (damn)
Whole crowd roar
Whole team soar
Bring it up the back and my whole team score (that's right)
Might scoop shorty take her wit me to the mall
Spend a few g's
Show her how a player ball (oww)
Hit her later show her how a player call
I got it on smash I ain't worried
Cuz I got a


[Outro 2x]
All my people on the left
All my people on the right
All my people in the middle
Up top
Booooooooooooow Wooooooooooooooow


The Arctic Monkeys

Hey. Hazim here...again. Here's a band that deserves attention. The Arctic Monkeys.They're like a more polished Libertines. Pete Doherty without the drugs and a little less innovative, but great stuff all the same. They've got two number one hits in the UK. They're really hot in the UK, I heard. I first heard their song "I Bet That You Look Good On The Dance Floor" and went crazy. It's a really cool songs, even though the name of the band is kinda lame. Their album is called "Whatever People Say I Am. I'm Not" Here's the track listing.
The View From The Afternoon
I Bet You look Good On The Dance Floor
Fake Tales Of San Francisco
Dancing Shoes
You Probably Couldn't See From The Lights But You Were Looking Straight At Me
Still Take You Home
Riot Van
Red Light Indicates Doors Are Secured
Mardy Bum
Perhaps Vampires Is A Bit Strong But...
When The Sun Goes Down
From Ritz To The Rubble
A Certain Romance

Songs have unique titles. I think they're not as creative as Pete Doherty but at least they're not gonna implode anytime soon! Her'e a lyric from their song.
Fake Tales Of San Francisco,
Echo Through The Room,
More Point To A Wedding Disco,
Without A bride Or Groom,

There's A Super Cool Band Yeah,
With Their Trillbys And Their Glasses Of White Wine,
And All The Weekend Rockstars In The Toilets,
Practicing Their Lines



Hey. Hazim here...again. I'm in Singapore now and my parents r still in Philipines. And I'm still free. I got the new album by the Strokes today. First Impressions Of earth. That's what it's called. It's a bit more raw than their previous efforts. Still dig it though. Anyways, when I was in Tower Records, the girl who worked there saw me looking at a Britney Spears CD (just looking-honest!) and just like that (This is the part where I snap my fingers) she assumed I'm a pop guy. It set me thinking-maybe I should go over and check out Korn or System Of A Down while she's following me around the store. I did. Then, I checked out Aretha Franklin. She was confused.
People are judged by what kind of music they like. This is sometimes true. You can see it in the way they dress, their hairstyle, the way they talk. Everybody says I'm quirky. What kind of music defines quirky. So I thought of Nelly Furtado and Bjork and Jason Mraz and Nellie McKay. Quirky means u've got conflicting sides of u so u don't fit under any other label. U're the geek, but u're playing sports left and right. U're a massive metal band fan but u've got disco pop on your Ipod. U fit in, but u don't.
By the way, i'm having a great time with my parents gone. Singapore's great, but Liz (u know who u r), my friend, shops like crazy. Shopping with a hyperactive 18year old girl is not that fun. I was waiting and waiting and waiting evrywhere we wnet, whether it was her in the dressing room, the bathroom, or ordering food. Actually, it wasn't that bad. I got some stuff too.
Quirky. Rocker Dude. Disco Addict. SoulLover. What kind of music defines u? Here's lyrics from a Stereophonics song. It's from the song "Traffic"
We All Face The Same Way, Still It Takes All Day,
I Take A look To My Left, Pick Out The Worst And The Best,
Another Office Affair, To Kill An Unborn Scare,
You Talk Dirt To A priest, It Makes You Human At Least

X Men 3: Movie Hype 2

Hey. Hazim here...again. Promised 2 get updates on the new XMen movie. I know it's a long time be4 it comes out in May, but I'm really looking forward 2 it. I'm a big fan of the comics. I've got a few issues. Wanna get hold of more, but the choices are limited here. Maybe I'll order from the net, but shipping' and handling's so expensive. Anyways, here's a list of the cast.
Patrick StewartProfessorXHughJackmanWolverineIanMcKellenMagnetoHalleBerryStormFamkeJanssenPhoenix
AnnaPaquinRogueRebeccaRomijnStamos(By the way, she's hot)Mystique KelseyGrammerBeastShawnAshmoreIcemanEllenPageShadowcatBenFosterAngel

I hope they don't spoil the new movie by making it too safe. I mean, The Punisher sucked, but Sin City and Batman Begins rocked the boat like crazy. Comic Book Adaptation movies don't always have to get bad reviews. In my opinion, Halle spends too much time fluffing herself up trynna be too feminine. OK. Whatever. I'm going into "I'm-such-a-freak-of-XMen-I'm-so-obsessed-this-movie-will-never-meet-a-true-fan's standard" mode. Crazy, isn't it? But hey, everybody's got something they're really into. Shit. My friend's text messaging me again like crazy. She wants 2 know if I'll be going to Singapore tomorrow 4 sure. Hey, parents not at home 4 a week! Gotta be free!


Singing In The Rain

Hey. Hazim here...again. Couldn't play badminton today cos of 2 reasons. The rain was falling down like crazy and just as I was out on the porch, I saw a dead stray cat. Gross! The flies were all over. I had to rush 2 get it buried be4 the rain fell cos then it would stink really bad...u know dead carcassas and rain. Yeah, that kind of smell. The whole neighborhood would be plugging their noses. I'm guessing the cat must have been hit by a car or something and limped over to my house. It was sick. The rain thankfully fell after I buried the cat (I woulda liked 2 send the dead cat 2 some house I don't really like, but I'm nice.hahaha). And it fell down hard.
My parents r in Philipines and I haven't partied yet. Bummer. I think I'll see if I can go 2 Singapore tomorrow. My friend invited me. He's Australian. He's friends with my ex-girlfirend's brother. I hate drama. You know the kind where all you're addicted to the drama-love, passion, sex, morality. Perfect 4 Today's TV generation (nothing shocks us anymore). That just sounded like something from a soap opera. Days of Our Loves. "Hello. I'm have a problem. I'm dating my boss's son's brother whose ex is my sister's best friend's aunt who goes 2 the same hairstylist as my cheating step aunt and my father's other wife." That kind of thing.
Anyways, the rainy season is on now. I was walking through the rain today holding an umbrella, but I was already soaked. I was asking myself "Anybody wanna have a wet t-shirt contest?" hahaha. My friend's participating in a program called the Back To Acheh program. It's 4 people who wanna help out the Boxing Day Tsunami victims in Indonesia. I know a friend who lost a relative. I think it was an aunt cos his heritage is Javanese or something. I was planning on visiting him today, but the rain stopped me.
Rain's refreshing. Too much. Not. Here's a lyric from Rachael Yamagata bout the rain.
The Rain Is Like An Orchestra To Me...
Today, I met a transvestite. I thought she looked hot until she opened her mouth. That was one deep voice. I looked at her/him funny and she/he looked back and looked offended. I have nothing against them, I was just taken aback. Besides, I know some girly boys too, and they're friends of mine (though sometimes when they get too girly, it gets on my nerves).
Human nature makes us complain when it's pouring heavy rain outside and we wanna do something else. It also makes us grumble when it's so damn hot u can't go outside without melting the rubber on your sneakers. I'm a huge music lover, but when it's raining. I like it quiet. isn't that creepy? Isn't that deep? Don't wanna get too sensitive now...but despite manly pride and whatever things, I insist that the rain's like free therapy unless ofcourse u live in a flooded area. Those affected by hurricanes and tsunamis can have a new appreciation 4 their lives. Maybe more people will know what counts more. I'm getting preachy here. I can't help it! I'm in the mood. I'll stop now before I pledge to world peace. Here's a link 2 songs about rain. dunno who'd actually be interested in it, but hey, the other day I found a blog all about how to plant tulips, soooo...I rest my case.

Home Alone

Hey. Hazim here...again. My parents just left 4 The Philipines. U shoulda seen how stressed out she was. Kinda felt sorry 4 her. Maybe she thought that while she was gone, I'd trash the house. She might be right...actually, I might be going to Singapore 4 a few days. By the way, as a sign of respect 2 my elders, I tasted this weird raspberry and something-something else flavored tea. If cat piss was served in cups, then...get the picture? It tasted bad! I'm gonna see if I can invite some friends over without my sister nagging me. It's morning right now. i think I'm gonna go jogging. Last time, I went jogging n got chased by stray dogs. So the next day, I brought a small can of that stuff u spray for roaches n mosquitos just in case. Anyways, my neighbor's got his shirt off again. Some people should not be allowed 2 take their shirts off. Worse thing is, he actually thinks he's being sexy. If he keeps doing that with a body like a slug (hey, I was expecting one nipple or something!), his wife's gonna be busy popping pills. Like, why did I marry him?
My computer's slow again. This sux. Anyways, after feeling bad about possibly failing my French test, I decided to brush up on my French. I haven't picked up a book in a billion lightyears, so I'm not functioning as well as I'd like. I'm gonna play badminton with my friend later. He's got a mean serve. Just keeps shutting me out. One blink and the shuttlecock's whizzing past me. I'm not saying I suck at badminton. Just that he's a pro, and I don't want to bruise my ego.
Anyways, I've been listening a lot 2 Garbage's early songs. Kinda cool that they got Butch Vig from Nevermind (Nirvana) to join their band. Trivia fact. D12 mention Shirley Mansion (lead singer of Garbage) in one of their songs. That's royalty. That's like being knighted. Today I'm gonna visit my French teachers house just to see if she misses me. Yeah, right. Her name's Nirmala and she's from Mauritus. Her family's kinda like the Brady Bunch. perfect. happy. abnormal. Deformed teeth. Okay, the last one is only half true.
I checked out some toher colleges besides the one I'm planning 2 enroll in. I dunno. Complicated. It's like pick one, choose one. All of them r tugging on your leg 4 u to enter theirs. The private colleges only want money. The government funded' colleges 2 overcrowded. I'm gonna stick 2 my plan of Political science and psychology though.
Off that topic, Gwen Stefani's pregnant. Pink's married. Avril's getting married. So's Fergie. Michelle Branch is a mom. So's Nelly Furtado. Madonna's still old. I saw Brokeback Mountain recently. It was boring. maybe I'll read the book. Maybe. A lot of times, the Oscar movies are kinda boring like Brokeback Mountain. Some r okay like Big Fish, Sideways, and Lost In Translation. I still love Crash though. I have a whole week 2 look forward 2, cos parents not in the house. Then again, when I'm living ina dorm, they won't be around either. By the way, I'm still praying my results r good. exams suck. yeah, they're a part of life, but they still suck. I don't know why but a lot of people get the impression that I'm an allrounder overachiever, athletic and smart, when in truth, deep inside, I'm just a lazy ass dude. Yeah, i go jogging, karate, and blah blah blah, but I don't like 2 follow schedules and I've got a phd in procrastination.
Anyways, just now In was thinking of Crash, the movie, gwen's new single is called "Crash". check it out. Her baby will come with dyed hair already. Gwen's hair's always blinding me. I think it glows in the dark.
Here's some of the lyrics from the new single. By the way, No Doubt are getting back together. 4 real! Maybe Gwen will force her band mates 2 dress like Harajuku Girls!
I wander round the room and I'm getting things ready,
I picture you driving just like Mario Andretti,
I got the cush, kettle One, waiting for your engine,
Your Grand Prix attention, it's gonna be a party.




Hey. Hazim here...again. Now I've got a question. What makes a person cheat in a relationship? If somebody read this, they might roll their eyes or whatever. Now I've got lyrics to a song that might explain.

And the more they talk about us,
The less I feel like sharing,
Our photos are collecting dust,
And the world's too much for me to carry,

And the lights are dimming slowly,
But I know what's gonna follow,
And you look, but you can't see,
That we're not even that close,

I'm not gonna swing on a fantasy,
On you and me,
And a perfect relationship someday,

Too much to give,
And what I've got isn't unlimited,
Nowhere to go,
But behind your back,
I'm sorry I'm unfaithful,
Sorry I'm unfaithful,

And the more time kills between us,
The harder it is to be around you,
Cos you're acting like faults don't ever happen,
But you know that it's not true,

I'm not gonna stick it through,
Me and you,
Are you gonna be okay,


Fake a smile,
For a while,
Til you find out what it's really about,
Truth don't hide,
And I'm not satisfied,
And there isn't really any doubt,


Yes, I'm loving behind your back,
Are you gonna be okay,

Mystery solved. I think the song explains it. People don't have to have ADD to be too bored to continue on with a relationship. hahaha. This is kind of dreary. bleak. depressing. Any other synonyms? My friends have been cheated on. Hey, at least they cheated before u got married. Right?

Radio Is Dead...Curse Or Blessing?

Hey. Hazim here...again. man, I'm bored. I'm not working today. I've got nothing to do unless I want to listen to the radio which is overstuffed with Kelly Clarkson songs. Anyways, I decided to update this blog. I think podcasting's a better way to kill your time. Sometimes, the DJ on the radio gets on your nerves too much. Like they need an hourly fix of adderall or something. The songs they play are songs that are played too much. The kind where if you're in a shopping mall, you'll hear it everywhere. Noone's coming up with innovative ways other than podcasts.
Soon the only people turning on the radio will be old grandmas and grandpas and that'll be the end of it if the only radio stations that exist play oldies. Elvis 200 times a day. That's a nightmare. They say young people like those emofreaks and mallgoths and stoner rock dudes feel that radio plays too much pop music. I mean, I saw pictures of the old stuff that they used to play music and broadcast stuff. Humans have come a long way. Why not go further? Podcasts and ipods and whatnots. So maybe radio dying isn't such a bad thing. Maybe they'll record sounds of nature. Cos in 50 years, people are gonna pay 4 what they get 4 free now. Like birds chirping. Fresh air. Trees. I'm getting preachy now. I don't like that.
I downloaded a few podcasts I liked. The stores are making the price of radios a lot lower than they used to be. The radio can be found on a ton of other devices nowadays, so who wants to dig their wallets 2 purchase something bulky when they can have it on the go?
In the future, any piece of technology the size of a fist will be considered ancient. That's my prediction. Anyone wanna bet? hahaha. I'll check back in 2099.By the way, just heard a bit of Rick dees on the radio. he's ancient too. I'm sure if u wanna know what hunting pterodactyls and t-rex was like back in the day, i'm sure he can fill u in. hahaha. My great grandma's 103 years old and still fine. Hey Rick, she's single!

Year Of The Dog: Whatever

Hey. Hazim here...again. Chinese New Year coming...the fireworks keeping me up at night. Apparently it's the year of the dog. Dogs. My friend used to have a scottish terrier. It was cute. Another friend has a drooling nasty smelling bulldog. Not cute. I'm supposed 2 be born in the year of the dragon. I don't really fully understand the whole thing...but whatever. I was thinking of rewriting the chinese calendar and having years 4 these animals.
Year Of The Cockroach Under Your Fridge
Year Of The Mushrooms Growing On Your Three Month Old Sandwhich
Year Of The Ass
Year Of The Horny JackRabbit
Year Of The Rabies Infected Dogs That Mess Up Your Garabage And You're Forced To Clean The Nasty Mess Up
Year Of The Naked Mole Rat
Good ideas? I don't think so. I'm laughing at it though. Anyways, dog year...Happy Chinese New Year. Gong Xi Fat Chai. I hope that's how u spell it. Here's a link I found. Hope u like it.

What's Luv Got To Do With It?

Hey. Hazim here...again. Just woke up. Damn. My alarm clock sounds like a chicken being neutered (if chickens could be neutered. I picked up the paper (OK, it wasn't really the paper. It was the tabloids) and I saw Pavorotti's wife/girlfriend. She's like 30 years younger. And Rod Stewart's girl? Gold diggers. Then I had an awesome idea. Why not...I make a directory where pretty ass girls can find 99 year old millionaire geezers who are about to die? That might seem senseless and mean, but think about it, I could charge girls 4 the service. They get their "sugardaddies" and I get to run a business. An internet directory 4 gold diggers!
I eamn, I've got a lot of cousins who recently got married. Most of them look bored now that they're married. It's like when you're dating, u wanna do all the things married people do, but outside of marriage. But when you tie the knot, u don't have any more rules to break besides going itno an affair. Again, I'm gonna repeat the line from Rilo Kiley's song "Portions For Foxes".
The Talking Leads To Touching. The Touching Leads To Sex. And Then There Is No Mystery Left


Scenario. Parents Gone 4 A Week. What Does A Teenage Son Do?

Hey. Hazim here...again. My mom just bought a new digicam. kinda cheap actually. was thinking of getting one myself so I got it the same night. Motorola. Anyways, my parents will be heading off to Philipines for a whole week. Hazim at home alone is a dangerous thing, hahaha....wonder what's in store. Should I be naughty or nice? I'm the perfect son.....................okay, that's exaggerating, I'm almost perfect...................okay, that's a tad over, I'm kinda perfect.............................whatever, dammit, I'm a wild child. Who's to say I'm gonna be nice? Noone. Parents not at home. That's a delicious thought.
I've been a wild child since I was seven. that's when I moved to US. I used to be a perfect brainwashed boy, but exposure makes u think. Communists don't like u to think. I thought. Anyways, getting those XMen updates soon. Here's a link. I visited it 4 a laugh. By the way, i'm still bummed Whose Line Is It Anyway's been cancelled. kaput. There goes another good TV show shot down. Can u believe I used to watch One Tree Hill? The only thing good out of that show are the female actresses! Sophia Bush, that's the one. Now that she's dumped Chad's sorry ass, maybe I have a chance....now isn't that a paper dream.


x Men 3: Movie Hype

Hey. hazim here...again. I'm feeling pumped. X3's coming! I hated the first movie. he second one was okay. Hope the third time's the charm. New characters like Angel and Beast(played by Kelsey Grammar of Frasier). Images look awesome. The director's different. This time it's Brian Singer, the guy who directed Rush Hour 1 and 2. I love the comic books, XMen. Fave character is Storm. Kinda an XMen freak, but I'm not ashamed. Anyways, I'm gonna post more info on the movie soon and maybe more pictures. By the way, I heard Kelly Clarkson's singing on the new soundtrack 4 the new Superman movie. Wonder if it'll be an original song or one from Breakaway. I saw a preview clip or a teaser of the movie. Cool stuff. Don't worry! i'll get the new info on the movie (coming out in May!) soon!

Here's a link 4 XMen fans!

Rachael Yamagata

Hey. Hazim here...again. Thought I might post some stuff bout this new singer-Rachael Yamagata. She's kinda like Fiona Apple, but I dunno, her voice is more raspy. Really nice. Need to chill? Put her on. When she sings the rain is like an orchestra to me it sounds real and at the same time kinda haunting.

Worn me down like a road,
I did everything you told,
Worn me down to my knees,
I did everything to please,
But you can't stop thinking about her,
But you can't stop thinking about her,

That was from the song "Worn Me Down". Here's the full track listing of her album Happenstance:
Be Be Your Love
Letter Read
Worn Me Down
Paper Doll
I'll Find A Way
Under My Skin
Meet Me By The Water
Even So
I Want You
Reason Why


Just Another Sad Song...


Have u ever had someone pass away suddenly when u didn't expect it? I have. It doesn't "kinda" suck. It sucks. It's when u feel that it's not fair that person's got to go cos u weren't ready. I've lost a cousin, two uncles, and a close friend of mine lke that. I like to be conservative. I used to get slapped everytime I cried. Boys don't cry. men can cry later when they're old and infected with prostate cancer, so they feel the need to say sorry to their sons whom they've been mistreating. OK. Whatever. I think songs can help u. Usually, people go for classical music, but sometimes when someone sings the lyrics, well. it kinda helps. There's this artist in Norway. Her music isn't that different, but her voice can be a bit depressing. If I'm in a sober mood and I'm depressed and tired, i put on one of her CDs. people should check her out. Here's a link.
Other artists that can help. I mean, if u don't feel like talking when ur sad, why not listen and drown yourself in the music. when u resurface, u'll feel better. trust me.
Check out Elliott Smith, The Cardigans, Doves, Ivy, Sarah McLachlan, Dido, Kate Bush, Bjork, Fiona Apple, Rachael Yamagata.

My lyric of the day is from Lene Marlin.
Things You've Had To Face Things That You've Seen
To Make It Through Each Day Without The Tears
Tell Them Please How Could You Know,
Hurts So Much Inside, But There Are No Scars To Show
The lyrics are very direct but if u've heard her voice, it's just dripping with sadness. Hoped u liked this post. I felt like I needed to share it. Death is a funny part of life, but noone laughs at it.


Grey's Anatomy

Hey. It's Hazim here...again. Any ways I wanted to share with u the fact that I love the show Grey's Anatomy. I used to like ER. I like dramas in the hospital, but to tell u the truth, being in a hospital kinda creeps me out. Don't know why, but I met a man who needed an organ donor and an episode on the show I totally related to about how waiting for an organ can take a while. It's all about the food chain. The rich and prominent get in first on the pecking order. It's not always dark and bleak in my world. Sorry, I'm nervous cos I'm waititng 4 my exam results and I know I didn't do well for my French. On the morning I had the test, the examiner said Bonjour and I felt dead as if I didn't understand him.
Hey, if u guys watch the show. Let me know who your fave character or actor is. I like Sandra Oh and Ellen Pompeo. Sandra won a Golden Globe recently. If u ask my perverted mind, the only Golden Globes should go to JLo. hahaha...anyways (this is the part where I clear my throat) here's a link if u want to find out more about the show.

Why The Hell Is Britney Still Married?

One of life's great mysteries. Why the hell is Britney still married?
I mean, what does she see in Kevin that the rest of the 7.9 Billion people in the world don't? After her quickie marriage "oh-it-was-just-for-fun" moment with that other guy, I thought she'd relax be4 rushing into anything major like marriage again. I heard she wants more babies. She could name them "Mistake Number Two", "Mistake Number Three", and ....you know the rest.
The latest news is that Britney is "dabbling" in Hinduism. First Kaballah, then this! It's like she's walking around snorting invisible coke or something. She's high on something. Is it too much lovin' from her hubby Kevin? Last I heard Kevin's busy partyin' and promoting his "single". So, umm, what do u guys think of him? i think the answer would be unanimous or close. Britney's turning into a mess. I actually think she came out with some awesome songs like "Toxic" and "Baby One More Time" and "I'm A Slave 4 U". She could have gone on to be a white Donna Summers for the new millenium or something, but she's stuck in a rut.

How many more years, days, hours, or minutes do you think they'll last? If they do break up, it won't be much of a surprise. People will just yawn and say "Oh, I knew it was gonna happen sooner or later". I think Britney should, in U2's words ...Pull Herself Together, She Got Stuck In A Moment That She Can't Get Out Of
The other day, i took a whiff of Curious cos, I was, umm...curious. It smelled OK, but I wouldn't get for any girl unless she absolutely begged me 4 it on her knees (and I'd do that out of sympathy).

Britney has many dogs, and Kevin's one of them. He's just not as tight a leash as the others. She's the queen bee of thrashy behavior beside Courtney Love. I'd call Paris Hilton one if she didn't have such a fat-ass fortune of over 100 million. I have a friend named Kaarthik who's a big britney fan. I've been trying to convert him...it's impossible. It's like as many as there are Britney fans out there, there's as many haters times a dozen bashing hewr on blogs, groups, chat rooms, and in the school caffeteria.

Visit this site if u want to know why psychologists who read tabloids are losing faith in the effectiveness of their practice.

Potential don't mean shit if U don't want to get better.

Post Number Two: Old Geezers And Upstarts

Hey. Hazim here. Did u ever wonder why old geezers like Madonna and the Rolling Stones still sing even though it takes a lot of synthesizers and technology to hide the fact that they're aging? The answer's the same with every one of them-they need to pay their bills. True of False? U Decide.
I mean, if I went to a rolling stones concert back then, there would have been beer cans all over the floor but now, there'd be used viagra and granny panties. Times have changed, right? hahaha.

Did u know Madonna's making "non-alcoholic wine"? What do u call it then? Oh wait, I know...grape juice! There's no such thing as wine without the freakin' alcohol! Does she feel as righteous singing religious songs now as a mother as when she belted out Like A Virgin back then?

After selling millions of records, getting a truck load of awards, offending rabbis and smooching Britney, what's next? That's right-make wine! I'm not dissing her. I'm merely pointing out the fact that some people should quit while they're ahead. Like JayZ. He made his exit a big bang of a deal, but lately it's been "Kanye West feat. JayZ" or "TI feat. JayZ" That's not a bad thing, it's just a perfect way to cash in on your status. It's human.

Here's an interesting quote.

Lemme know whatchu guys think of it. I think it's true. I mean, people like Hilary Duff and Lindsay Lohan wanting to get work done on them. I dunno. Maybe when I'm older, I'll get a nose job and a sex change. kidding. Lindsay Lohan, no matter how slutty she seems has got a lot of potential to be a great actress. I really do believe that. Hilary Duff hasn't got enough talent to fill a teaspoon. everything with her is a scripted answer and a "hello-i'm-smiling-because-moms-endorse-me-and-little-girls-adore-me-and-it's-earning-me-a-million-bucks" attitude. The number of good movies by Hilary's the same number of records Nick Carter sold on his solo CD-0. Zilch. None. Or in Malay, kosong.
Young people want to act older, and old people are jealous. So there's the great divide between them.

On a different note, I wanna point out that a lot of European artists never make it big in US when they deserve it. I know Dido, Natasha Bedingfield, Franz Ferdinand, and others made it, but some really cool acts are still waiting. For instance, Sugababes. I'm not a big fan of girl groups, but their brand of r&b pop hybrid is kinda catchy and cool. I also think Sigur Ros, Madness, The Coral, and Jamie Lidell are cool. I mean, no wonder the popularity of radio is declining. How many times a day do u hear "Don't Cha" "Since U Been Gone" and "Yeah"?

Pretty cool site. Check it out.