Notorious B.I.G And Tupac Changed Rap And Hip Hop. Then Came Bowow. Now It's Kevin Federline? We Are Sooo Headed Back To Being Cavemen
Hey. Hazim here...again. Anyways, I kinda feel guilty bout trashing Britney when she isn't busy trashing herself...which means I don't trash her all that much. I don't get why Britney would stick with a dog like Kevin. It appears to me that Britney is the one eating out of Kevins palm. Apparently, Kevin or KFed or "fucking manipulative loser dude" however you wanna call him, has spent A MILLION DOLLARS OF BRITNEY'S MONEY to record his debut album. He was charged with 40,000 per producer. And guess who's money he used? Noone needs to guess. Everybody knows.
Kevin has released two songs (PopoZao and Y'all Ain't Ready-believe me, none of us are) over the internet and apparently they're being downloaded fast by people who don't think it's hot shit, but people who need something to really laugh at cos Chapelle's show is no more and they don't have the DVD set. I don't really know why Britney isn't doing anything to stop his never-ending shopping spree. One more thing, Britney has already dished out 400 grand to build KFed his recording studio (I'm saying KFed cos it's only three syllables).
You know what I'm hoping, I'm hoping people treat his music like they treat William Hung's (Hey, who remembers him?). Everyone will laugh at him and download his stuff and KFed will get bigheaded and think he's headed for a Grammy award or something. Then he'll divorce poor Britney and fall flat on his face. Then the world will be 13% more back to normal.
They should have a tabloid magazine on Britney and Kevin. You could fill pages out everyday. Oh and one more thing, Kevin's been making "pig" noises when Britney is eating, apparently making fun of her weight. Also when Britney's thighs rub together when she walks, he laughs too. Now isn't that the husband of the new millenium? hahaha. Anyways, I always thought Britney had the potential to be the Donna Summers of the new millenium. She's actually done some really good songs like "Toxic". But hey Potential Don't Mean Shit If You Don't Want To Get Better. Anyways, i usually post lyrics, so here's a ltric from Britney's "Outrageous". Dunno why I'd post that, but whatever. Maybe it's insight on the only reason Britney is with Kevin still-he's good in bed? Doubt it. hahaha. And how in the world would I ever care?
Lying Alone,
Touching My Skin,
I'm Falling Under,
A Girl Like Me,
And I Can't Hold It In,
It Makes Me Wonder,
Yeah, we're all wondering too, Britney. Here a few news articles on them. Can someone please HELP me. For some reason, i seem to be addicted to what Britney's up to. I think I need to check into rehab. Hazim. Out.
Federline Makes Pig Noises While Eating Together
Britney Spears Furious Over Kevin Federline's Shopping Spree
Britney Rushes To Stop KFed From Piercing Baby's Ears: Afraid He'll Look Like Trash
Kevin's "PopoZao" Only A Snippet Of His Lyrical Prowess-Yeah, Right. Give Me A break