Apparently, Brody Dalle missed the mark when they told her to wear black to the funeral.
GenerationNext99Hey. Hazim here...again. I just found out Oasis will be doing a concert nearby and you know what I did? i yawned. They were pretty exciting, the key word being "were". At least I got the Franz Ferdinand tickets. Anyways, although it's not as huge as Gwen Stefani being pregnant or Angelina being pregnant or Britney's birth of her son...but hey, it's rock royalty. Josh Homme and Brody Dalle (of The Distillers) have a new daughter. I think The Distillers are awesome and I've got their last album playing most of the time, so I thought this was big enough to be mentioned on my blog.
Camille Homme is a girl who's damn lucky to be crowned princess of rock considering her parents are Josh Homme and Brody Dalle. Bite that, Apple Martin! She was born in Los Angeles on a Tuesday and she weighed around 6 pounds (honestly I don't care bout the weight). I wonder how it'll affect their new recording process. Maybe they'll have a scream off between Brody and Camille!hahaha. Josh Homme would make a perfect dad. They're cooler than watching Tom Cruise (Brainwashing scientologist freak show. forgets he needs to take meds) and Katie Holmes (OK in Batman Begins, but is still a Brainwashed now scientologist freak show pretending to be pregnant). That goes without saying. Anyways, Coral Fang was an awesome album by The Distillers. But imagine Brody singin Lullabies to Paralyze to the baby. That would be messed up, but cool.
I haven't put on my Queens Of The Stone Age album in a while. Listening to it too much stoner rock makes me feel like a drunken bastard. Anyways, good luck to the couple. And I'm hoping for an awesome Distillers comeback. Until next time. Hazim. Out. By the way, here are a few links to sites relating to Josh Homme, The Distillers, and whatever else I decided to put. Oh and just imagine Brody singin one of her songs to her baby with these lyrics:
Hold On To The Memory It's All You Got,
I Know You'll Be There To Soak Up Blood Lost,
hahaha. Now that isn't too far from what my mother would say now...kidding. Hazim. Really Out Of It Now. BY THE WAY ALICIA KEYS WANTS TO WORK WITH QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE! THAT WOULD BE HOT SHIT!
brody dalle's baby is old news, but youput an interesting twist on it. ms. keys with QOTSA? yeah that would be hot shit alright
cool site u got here hazim! i think im ADDICTED! its like tabloids but not tabloids. weird huh?
brody dalle is cool. saw her live once. the band was great. brody's kinda like ms. courtney love. more dignified, if you ask moi.nice blog.
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