Hey. Hazim here. Wanted to share something. Well, here it goes. When I was seven and I first came to US, I was a little bit nervous wonderin what it was gonna be like to live there and everything. I was only SEVEN. Anyways, we iived in these apartments called The Meadows and one of the neighbors saw me walking around and called me to her porch to talk and get to know me. She was playin something on the radio. I always wondered what an American would listen to, so I asked her if that was what she liked to hear. And she said "yeah, it is. But usually, mostly grownups like this stuff." Being a little kid, I was a bit off center, so I pretended I liked the song cos I thought that all Americans liked country music and stuff and at the time, Bob Dylan seemed country to me. "Idiot Wind" was playing. The album was Blood On The Tracks. I told her I wanted to listen to more and she lent me the cassette. I felt special-like I was listening to something a grownup would listen to. I'd try and figure out what the lyrics meant. That was the only Bob Dylan album I listened to for a while and I never did return the cassette. Now I'm almost eighteen and yeah, the lyrics mean something. I dunno. I kinda just wanted to share that. Here's some lyrics to Shelter From The Sorm. You don't have to be that old to enjoy someone like Bob Dylan. That's what I figured out.
Well, the deputy walks on hard nails and the preacher rides a mount,
But nothing really matters much, it's doom alone that counts,
And the one-eyed undertaker, he blows a futile horn,
"Come in" she said,
"I'll give you shelter from the storm"
I wish I could see him live in concert. It'd mean a lot even if there were a million people there and I was in the back row. It'd still be Bob Dylan. Awwww. Now I'm getting all mushy and sad. I'd better slap myself be4 I start quoting Shakespeare and whatever stuff.
Franz Ferdinand live in Singapore's still cool 4 me. I haven't been very happy with the acts that have put Malaysia or Singapore as part of their tour list lately. Backstreet Boys? Fort Minor (Linkin Park's better)? I think Franz Ferdinand takes the blue ribbon. Anyways, here are a few links to a few sites regarding the great man, Bob Dylan.
I saw him live twice. man, you really missed out. sorry. didnt mean to rub it in. bob dylan's cool.
I've been a huge fan of Dylan too. I'm 36. Dylan's music is always playing at my house. My wife loves his work too. Your story was nice. For a young person, you're actually quite bright. I hope you do well in the things that you do. I might check on this site again. Good luck!
Hello. I have seen Bob Dylan live. Fantastic.
Hazim.bob dylan is cool to me too. i changed my email hazim, so i'll give it to you later. i got anudder customer for you hazim. she has two children. isnt that great news?!
your link does not work.i tried. cool blog though. bob dylan is my cousin's fave artist.
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