Hey. Hazim here...again. I think I've got a fever and I'm coughing like I've got a buzzer stuck in my throat. Reminds me of my friend, Syamir, with his recent asthma attack. Anyways, I was reminded of Lindsay's recent asthma attack. Well apparently, she's starring in a movie with Jared Leto about the life of Mark Chapman. Mark Chapman was a greedy man, selfish, cunning...and he killed John Lennon. Yoko Ono is furious about the production of the movie. In her shoes, I would totally go on a rampage to try and stop filming. Who would want a film about the life of their spouse's murderer? You can click here for more info.
Anyways, I think Lindsay's a good actress and all, but if this film portrays Mark Chapman as a good man, then all hell will break loose in Hollywood. There will be hate mails and graffiti. John Lennon was a legend. His murder did not make people happy. Hahaha. get ready for World War 2007.
I fI was to be neutral. I'd say that they have the right to make a movie about anything they want and obviously, by picking the topic they have picked, they want controversy. Controversy sells. Perfect movies about perfect people in perfect situations don't. We like to see other people messed up. It's like watching wrestling (I don't watch WWE by the way, so whatever). But then I'd say that if you were to be morally righteous (which most of us would be on Santa's bad list), then they should have asked for Yoko's OK before beginning.
Well, in other news. Tommy Mottola (the guy who steered Mariah Carey's early career) has only one client left-Lindsay Lohan! I'm sorry. I have to STOP! I'm laughing as I'm typing this!hahaha. Lindsay's gonna grow up to be Courtney Love. All messed up. She's got talent but Potential Don't Mean Shit If You Don't Want To Get Better. Anyways, there's a site you can go to to play a game. It's called FEED LINDSAY LOHAN! Click here.
ha ha ha, the picture caption is great.
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