I Know You're Kinky Tommy, But This...
Hey. Hazim here...again. Earlier when I started posting, I posted one of life's great mysteries, Why The Hell Is Britney Still Married? Well, the next question isn't that mysterious, but I keep scatching my head everytime. The question is Why The Hell Does Pink Act Like Pink? I mean, she goes around dissing people like a little kid screaming for attention. Anyways, her new single is called Stupid Girls. Is she talking about the many facets of her personality. No. Actually, she's dissing Lindsay Lohan, Jessica Simpson, and Paris Hilton for not being good role models for young teenage girls. That's a good thing....cos forgive me for a sec, do you really think a teenage girl would look up to Pink. Remember the Lady Marmalade video? (I needto clear my mind. That video was HOT). But the point is, should a heavy smoker, girlkissing nonlesbian, swearing database, and often scandalously dressed singer be a better role model than the rest of the Hollywood girls. Yeah, so Lindsay's addicted to bitch fights and Britney's addicted to Kevin (for some odd mysterious reason 7.9 billion people will never know including Kevin himself).
In her new video, Pink is mocking Jessica Simpson's video by washing a car in skimpy clothes. What better way to diss the way they dress than to dress like them? hahaha. Pink's confused. She's got the whole rocker attitude and I'll have to admit, her voice is one of the best when heard live with just a piano or guitar, but she's got issues to work out.
Some people say Pink's career is all downhill. So while thinking of a way to rebound on the haters who said that, she's naming her album I'm Not Dead. Isn't that kinda bringing attention to the fact that your career is failing? By saying "I'm not dead"?
I think the video will be out soon. I dunno if you should check MTV for it. MTV's been playing everything but videos lately. hahaha. Here's a link to a few Pink sites. Hazim. Out.
Here's the article I got it from. Click here.
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