Every 5 minutes, a celebrity either gets totally hung over, has a leaked sex tape, is in court, or involved in an accident with the paparzzi. These children are lost and need your help. Please donate your efforts in endorsing what they do. It's for the good of human nature. Adopt a celebrity today.
Hey. Hazim here...again. Here's a question equivalent to a seven year old answering what's 1 + 1. Is there a single day that goes by without Paris Hilton being in the tabloids? Uh, no. I'm thinking it's like the tabloids have adopted her and are keeping an eye on her. Like she needs to be taken care of. Let's sympathize with a girl who's got over 100 million in fortune and she can just do whatever she wants, whenever she wants, however she wants, and still walk away holding her chihuaha or whatever that hairy thing she's always holding, feeling smug. Actually, I'm just being jealous. But who wouldn't wanna live her life?Did you know Paris refused to pose naked for Playboy recently? Uh, didn't anyone tell her she already whored herself out on" One Night In Paris?" Guess not. Also, here's another update for Celebrity Child Of The Tabloids Paris Hilton. She recently lost control of her bladder in a cab while drunk. Apparently, the cab driver is using the cloth he used to clean the mess up to be used as DNA evidence in court. Can you go to jail for pissing in a cab? All I know is Lil Kim needs another uncontrolable biach to keep her company. Why am I bothering with someone else's life. Cos that's something universal-not minding our own business.
Paris is Paris. Everybody has their own specailty, something that they do best. I guess Paris is just keeping tabloids happy and nosy guys like me satisfied. Anyways, like I said, Paris is coming out with an album. (unenthusiastic)yay. I am a little bit curious cos she teamed up with Scott Storch. Ugh. Paris. I'm sure she'll come out with a ballad called "My Socialite" about how "painful" it is to have all that money, and still suffer from being an "all night don't stop til they're done taking photos for tomorrow's paper" party girl. Doesn't everybody relate to that? Awww....whatever. I'm done talking about her. Once a day is enough. I'll check on my adopted baby tomorrow.
Here a few artists comng out with new material for 2006.
Kanye WestEvanescenceChristinaAguileraOutkastRedHotChiliPeppersTool
The list looks hot. I'm especially looking forward to see what Outkast have to offer. I heard some samples of Nelly Furtado's and Pink's new material. Hot. And ladies and gentlemen, the return of....THE FUGEES! (Enthusuastic)yay. I heard Fefe Dobson got some advice from Courtney Love, Joan Jett, and Cyndie Lauper. All respectable rock chicks back in the day. Until next time. Hazim. Out.
Adopt Paris? That is HILARIOUS!As a matter of fact, I am interested! HA!
wow. paris peed in a cab? me thinks paris wasn't wearing the right protection.
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