Hey. Hazim here...again. My parents just left 4 The Philipines. U shoulda seen how stressed out she was. Kinda felt sorry 4 her. Maybe she thought that while she was gone, I'd trash the house. She might be right...actually, I might be going to Singapore 4 a few days. By the way, as a sign of respect 2 my elders, I tasted this weird raspberry and something-something else flavored tea. If cat piss was served in cups, then...get the picture? It tasted bad! I'm gonna see if I can invite some friends over without my sister nagging me. It's morning right now. i think I'm gonna go jogging. Last time, I went jogging n got chased by stray dogs. So the next day, I brought a small can of that stuff u spray for roaches n mosquitos just in case. Anyways, my neighbor's got his shirt off again. Some people should not be allowed 2 take their shirts off. Worse thing is, he actually thinks he's being sexy. If he keeps doing that with a body like a slug (hey, I was expecting one nipple or something!), his wife's gonna be busy popping pills. Like, why did I marry him?
My computer's slow again. This sux. Anyways, after feeling bad about possibly failing my French test, I decided to brush up on my French. I haven't picked up a book in a billion lightyears, so I'm not functioning as well as I'd like. I'm gonna play badminton with my friend later. He's got a mean serve. Just keeps shutting me out. One blink and the shuttlecock's whizzing past me. I'm not saying I suck at badminton. Just that he's a pro, and I don't want to bruise my ego.
Anyways, I've been listening a lot 2 Garbage's early songs. Kinda cool that they got Butch Vig from Nevermind (Nirvana) to join their band. Trivia fact. D12 mention Shirley Mansion (lead singer of Garbage) in one of their songs. That's royalty. That's like being knighted. Today I'm gonna visit my French teachers house just to see if she misses me. Yeah, right. Her name's Nirmala and she's from Mauritus. Her family's kinda like the Brady Bunch. perfect. happy. abnormal. Deformed teeth. Okay, the last one is only half true.
I checked out some toher colleges besides the one I'm planning 2 enroll in. I dunno. Complicated. It's like pick one, choose one. All of them r tugging on your leg 4 u to enter theirs. The private colleges only want money. The government funded' colleges 2 overcrowded. I'm gonna stick 2 my plan of Political science and psychology though.
Off that topic, Gwen Stefani's pregnant. Pink's married. Avril's getting married. So's Fergie. Michelle Branch is a mom. So's Nelly Furtado. Madonna's still old. I saw Brokeback Mountain recently. It was boring. maybe I'll read the book. Maybe. A lot of times, the Oscar movies are kinda boring like Brokeback Mountain. Some r okay like Big Fish, Sideways, and Lost In Translation. I still love Crash though. I have a whole week 2 look forward 2, cos parents not in the house. Then again, when I'm living ina dorm, they won't be around either. By the way, I'm still praying my results r good. exams suck. yeah, they're a part of life, but they still suck. I don't know why but a lot of people get the impression that I'm an allrounder overachiever, athletic and smart, when in truth, deep inside, I'm just a lazy ass dude. Yeah, i go jogging, karate, and blah blah blah, but I don't like 2 follow schedules and I've got a phd in procrastination.
Anyways, just now In was thinking of Crash, the movie, gwen's new single is called "Crash". check it out. Her baby will come with dyed hair already. Gwen's hair's always blinding me. I think it glows in the dark.
Here's some of the lyrics from the new single. By the way, No Doubt are getting back together. 4 real! Maybe Gwen will force her band mates 2 dress like Harajuku Girls!
I wander round the room and I'm getting things ready,
I picture you driving just like Mario Andretti,
I got the cush, kettle One, waiting for your engine,
Your Grand Prix attention, it's gonna be a party.
I picture you driving just like Mario Andretti,
I got the cush, kettle One, waiting for your engine,
Your Grand Prix attention, it's gonna be a party.
1 comment:
Hello. My name is Tanner. I think your blog is nice. Good lyrics on Unfaithful. Who sang that song?
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