Hey. Hazim here...again. Promised 2 get updates on the new XMen movie. I know it's a long time be4 it comes out in May, but I'm really looking forward 2 it. I'm a big fan of the comics. I've got a few issues. Wanna get hold of more, but the choices are limited here. Maybe I'll order from the net, but shipping' and handling's so expensive. Anyways, here's a list of the cast.
Patrick StewartProfessorXHughJackmanWolverineIanMcKellenMagnetoHalleBerryStormFamkeJanssenPhoenix
AnnaPaquinRogueRebeccaRomijnStamos(By the way, she's hot)Mystique KelseyGrammerBeastShawnAshmoreIcemanEllenPageShadowcatBenFosterAngel
I hope they don't spoil the new movie by making it too safe. I mean, The Punisher sucked, but Sin City and Batman Begins rocked the boat like crazy. Comic Book Adaptation movies don't always have to get bad reviews. In my opinion, Halle spends too much time fluffing herself up trynna be too feminine. OK. Whatever. I'm going into "I'm-such-a-freak-of-XMen-I'm-so-obsessed-this-movie-will-never-meet-a-true-fan's standard" mode. Crazy, isn't it? But hey, everybody's got something they're really into. Shit. My friend's text messaging me again like crazy. She wants 2 know if I'll be going to Singapore tomorrow 4 sure. Hey, parents not at home 4 a week! Gotta be free!
1 comment:
the new movie sounds hot. got any preview pics or clips?
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