Hey. Hazim here...again. man, I'm bored. I'm not working today. I've got nothing to do unless I want to listen to the radio which is overstuffed with Kelly Clarkson songs. Anyways, I decided to update this blog. I think podcasting's a better way to kill your time. Sometimes, the DJ on the radio gets on your nerves too much. Like they need an hourly fix of adderall or something. The songs they play are songs that are played too much. The kind where if you're in a shopping mall, you'll hear it everywhere. Noone's coming up with innovative ways other than podcasts.
Soon the only people turning on the radio will be old grandmas and grandpas and that'll be the end of it if the only radio stations that exist play oldies. Elvis 200 times a day. That's a nightmare. They say young people like those emofreaks and mallgoths and stoner rock dudes feel that radio plays too much pop music. I mean, I saw pictures of the old stuff that they used to play music and broadcast stuff. Humans have come a long way. Why not go further? Podcasts and ipods and whatnots. So maybe radio dying isn't such a bad thing. Maybe they'll record sounds of nature. Cos in 50 years, people are gonna pay 4 what they get 4 free now. Like birds chirping. Fresh air. Trees. I'm getting preachy now. I don't like that.
I downloaded a few podcasts I liked. The stores are making the price of radios a lot lower than they used to be. The radio can be found on a ton of other devices nowadays, so who wants to dig their wallets 2 purchase something bulky when they can have it on the go?
In the future, any piece of technology the size of a fist will be considered ancient. That's my prediction. Anyone wanna bet? hahaha. I'll check back in 2099.By the way, just heard a bit of Rick dees on the radio. he's ancient too. I'm sure if u wanna know what hunting pterodactyls and t-rex was like back in the day, i'm sure he can fill u in. hahaha. My great grandma's 103 years old and still fine. Hey Rick, she's single!
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