
my take on the pregnant WHOA-man (story might be made into a movie...don't people remember Junior?

Who knew Wikipedia could have a picture as winning as this?
Hey. Hazim here...again. The pregnant man! Hahaha...I'm kinda obsessed with the story, more so than Oprah could ever hope to be. The guy's name, Thomas Beatie. Was born a female. Got a sex change. Kept the reproductive organs. Fertility. A woman named Nancy. Boom. A child. When I think back to that Arnold Schwartzenegger movie (the one where he gets pregnant) I kinda...squirm. And laugh. The movie was called Junior. it sucked. Bad. But it aged well. It gets a good laugh out of me actually when I watch it now, which was last week. But the idea of a man getting pregnant is sooo weird. Mainly because, to me, a male pregnancy would involve lots of high tech surgeries and advanced scientific procedures to allow for a man to host a baby inside his...womb? But the method this Thomas Beatie resorted to is so...simple.

Thomas Beatie's got nothing on Arnold,yeah?

Be a woman. get a sex change. But keep your eggs. But if you watch Junior, it's got a happy ending with the girl Arnold loves acknowledging that a mother is a mother and father is a father. So it's still gonna be impossible for an man with no female reproductive organs to get preggers. So that means nature is still in full effect. So that means religious nuts can just shut up. Which means I'm pro-pregnancy for this man. I see nothing wrong with it, even though it does make me squirm a bit (it's still bizarre to me, and once the kid is born and is growing up, it's gonna be difficult for her to come to terms with the fact that she was in her father's tummy). Hazim. Out.

PS. Side note though, this pregnant man is milking his pregnancy for all its worth. He's apparently everywhere in the media...clever man...clever man. Anyways, Thomas Beatie's pregancy might come to life on your TV screen, or worse...on the big screen! I don't know how I feel about that, but it makes me hug my Junior video tape even tighter.

Script to be made into a movie:CLICK HERE
Spoof story about a transgender train toy (kinda related):CLICK HERE
Pregnant Thomas Beatie on Oprah:CLICK HERE

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