hey. hazim here...again. It's a Selamat Hari Raya to you too! Feels weird cus it's supposed to feel celebratory and everything, but I just kinda stayed at home. family ties are on the verge of collapsing, so my mother won't call her sister up and my aunts are bickering with each other chickens in a cage. Sigh....the holidays. But to cheer myself up I took a listen to a few new tracks this week, namely Eminem's new one, which has leaked...and sucks. And Justice (whoo!) and my gal Sophie EllisBextor. Let's go...
ARTIST: Cold Cave
New arrivals on the music scene, Cold Cave serve up fuzzy wuzzy grizzly electronica rock infused with lyrical goodness. It opens with something that sounds like a transistor radio out of tune and you can barely make out the vocals, but once you accept that that's all part of the learning experience and that this song would be great remixed by Justice (who have a similar song called "Waters Of Nazareth") and spun at a rave, you kinda get into it. They'd be pretty terrible live playing "Sex Ads" though. Cold Cave. Band to watch out for...not watch live. Haha...Listen to it HERE

ARTIST: Eminem
Mr. Marshall has had an impressive career earning Grammys and credibility with self-empowerment anthems ("Lose Yourself" "Sing For The Moment"), sad laments ("Stan"), and mostly anger fueled joints imed at either Kim or his mother. Lately though, he's been hiding (kinda) Well, this song I don't think it'll get him back on top). It just drones on and on with Eminem throwing out lines that even Nick Cannon would reject. And that's saying something. Listen to it HERE

ARTIST: Fujiya & Miyagi
Their track "Knickerbocker" should be a contender for song of the year. This is another winning single from their album Lightbulbs which has got them smarter, sharper, and funkier. "Sore Thumb" starts off slow-ish...you know what? this track totally reminds me of Kylie Minogue's "Love At First Sight", slow pulsating, and the video bits where they've got the black and white third grade geometry inspired background is reminiscent of Kylie's video as well. I will admit, though, as sexy as the track sounded when I first heard it, it's much less sexy now that I've seeen the video. listen to it HERE

ARTIST: Justice
Everyone knows "D.A.N.C.E" the genius of a dance pop number bu Justice, even if they don't know the band who made it. And the video's idea for it was copped for Kanye West's "The Good Life", further proof the dude isn't so original. Here they are with a cut that did not make it for the Dior Homme 2009 Fashion Show (the other parts of Planisphere made it). As jumpy and jittery the other parts are, they are nothing compared to this blast of a piece. The track starts off like the beginning to an old Chinese drama..haha...but then it gets its beat thumping after a minute and a half. They've got a documentary called A Cross The World out which you should check, as well as this pulsating Western-soundtrack sounding number. Listen to it HERE

ARTIST: Sophie Ellis Bextor
Her fantastic third album Trip The Light Fantastic got much love and praise from critics but didn't really garner Sophie Ellis Bextor any new fans, judging from its poor showing on the charts. The next album should see her attempting the same commercial success her first and vapid second album achieved in the UK. This track, apparently, is NOT going to even be on that album albeit initial speculation that it would. The first single will be called "Sophia Loren" and my excitement for it is just BIG. But this song called "Heartbreak Make Me A Dancer" returns her to her basic dance throb roots of her first album a la "Murder On The Dance Floor". That's not a bad thing. It's pretty amazing in fact because from the first line, you can easily detect her British accent and from then on, you're lost in the Sophie Disco. Listen to it HERE
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