
can't log in to myspace...aaaarrrgh!!!!

hazim and the new asymptotes
hey. hazim here...again. Today, something out of the ordinary happened. Something Mulder and Scully wouldn't be able to figure out. Something stranger than the Jonas Brothers' sexuality. I went to MySpace like I usually do and guess what? I couldn't log in. I have no idea why. I typed in my email and my password (which is...haha. Yeah, like I'm posting my password here) like I usually do and clicked the Log In button, and it led me back to the homepage as if I hadn't logged in yet, prompting me to type everything all over again. Thus, I, who was surprisingly patient at the tim,e typed my email and password an abysmal total of 10 times before blowing a raspberry to the computer monitor screen. I already emailed them about the problem so i hope they're fixing it soon. Cus if they don't, I'll be forced to while away my time on boring application filled filled Facebook. So 'aaaarrrgh!" I say. Fucking "Aaaarrrghh!". Hazim. Out.

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