
b-b-b-b-back...i needs me some tea

Tea Is Sexy.
hazim and the new asymptotes
hey.hazim here...again. I just got back to college after an almost and almost illegal (haha...) two week hiatus. It was just me staying at home doing nothing for the whole time. It was quite fun actually. Just being lazy, not smelling good and not washing my hair which is something I get lazy to do sometimes. Anyways, since I've been away, I haven't been able to drink tea. yes, tea! A big LOL to that cus it's true! I miss drinking tea but I only drink it in college. I bought 2 big packets with teabags inside. It's my addiction.

I drink when I'm studying. I drink it watching the television. I drink it when I'm reading. It's like life support. So, then when I got back and looked into my stash of teabags I found out that it was empty. yeah....EMPTY! I couldn't believe it either when I reached my hands into the locker and found out there were no teabags left.

Asians are supposed to like drinking tea, right? It's the stereotype that fits me, while others (like Asians are smart or Asians play piano at 2 years old) are not.

I prefer the Boh tea from Cameron Highlands or the ones from Sri Lanka. Green tea sucks by the way. I heard it promotes cellulite. Yucks. This is becoming something like an unhealthy hobby for me right now. Haha.

So now I need me some tea. If I don't, I won't be sane. I'll blubber and walk like I've got a chainsaw stuck in my ass (not cool). Withdrawal sucks. Don't do drugs. I'm going to the store later. This is just a random thing my mind conjured up because being thirsty for tea is the only thing I'm thinking right now, really. Honestly. Hazim. Out.

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