Hey.Hazim Here...again. Here's the music video that I said I'd post. It's of GwenStefani's latest poofy creation "Wind It Up', a single about....winding it up? Whatever. The video fits the song cuz it's so ridiculous. Eeven Billboard magazine called it " a musical brain aneurysm'.Well, try your best to enjoy the video. For me, it was like being spun too fast on a merry-go-round ride. The song itself is creative but lackluster, falling behind 'London Bridge' in the race to be the next HollabackGirl copycat song. Gwen Stefani 2006 trying to catch up with GwenStefani 2005? Hope she releases TheSweetEscape, the song soon. That one should ave been a first single. "Wind It Up" shouldnt even be on the album.Hazim.Out.
Music2SeeTuesday: Gwen Stefani-Wind It Up
Hey.Hazim Here...again. Here's the music video that I said I'd post. It's of GwenStefani's latest poofy creation "Wind It Up', a single about....winding it up? Whatever. The video fits the song cuz it's so ridiculous. Eeven Billboard magazine called it " a musical brain aneurysm'.Well, try your best to enjoy the video. For me, it was like being spun too fast on a merry-go-round ride. The song itself is creative but lackluster, falling behind 'London Bridge' in the race to be the next HollabackGirl copycat song. Gwen Stefani 2006 trying to catch up with GwenStefani 2005? Hope she releases TheSweetEscape, the song soon. That one should ave been a first single. "Wind It Up" shouldnt even be on the album.Hazim.Out.
The Return Of Faithless...Fuck Yeah! And Guess What? MTV's Banned The First Single's Video!

Hey.HazimHere...again. One of my favorite bands EVER,Faithless performed at the World Music Awards recently,I think. I didnt manage to catch them so I'm not at all sure. I tried searching for it on YouTube and ended up with nothing. But anyways...triphop and dance always collide beautifully whenever they record an album and I'm sure their new one ToAllNewArrivals is gonna be like that too.Hypnotic.That's the word. Wat other band could have produced a single as perfect as 'Insomia'? After a bit of a hiatus, Maxi Jazz,Sister Bliss, and Dido's amazing cool older brother,Rollo, are hitting back with a new CDfeaturing guest spots for Cat Power,Dido (of course), RobertSmith(yay!), Cass Fox (oooooh), and Harry Collier.

Oh damn,I'm drooling. I always wanted to have a CD with RobertSmith,Dido,Faithless, and Cat Power all in one. I actually get goosebumps listening to the first single 'Bombs' which was,un called for for, banned. Here's whatWikipedia has down:
Bombs is the first single from Faithless' fifth studio album To All New Arrivals. It features Harry Collier from Kubb. The single was released as a download on 2006-10-23 and will be released on CD and 12" on 2006-11-20, one week before the release of the album..
The video, which has already been banned by MTV, shows scenes of everyday life composited with stock footage of war. The result is a stylish, if jarring, juxtaposition of the seemingly innocent with familiar scenes of modern warfare that hints at the degree to which such images now form part of our contemporary consciousness. Children run across the deck of an aircraft carrier, a family skip hand-in-hand through the surf on a beach as a mushroom cloud rises on the horizon and a couple share a romantic meal while troops engage in combat.
Director Greenhalgh told shots.net: "I didn't see the video as particularly political, pro war, or anti war. It's actually a representation of where we are all at right now. War infects all our lives; recently it feels that this has increasingly become 'our way of life'. It is rare to be given the opportunity to shoot a video that is deemed controversial. All I tried to do was make people think about the everyday life we live in our comfortable existences, and the contrast to that through war."
Oh wow. Anyways, if you want to see the video for 'Bombs', the new massive single (even though it's being banned),CLICK HERE. Enjoy. Or you can just watch it on my Blogger site. Haha. Here's the full track listing for the new album with all those awesome guest artists. The album will drop November 27.
- "Bombs" (Feat. Harry Collier) 4:58
- "Spiders, Crocodiles & Kryptonite" (Feat. Robert Smith) 5:40
- "Music Matters" (Feat. Cass Fox) 4:36
- "Nate's Tune" 2:14
- "I Hope" 5:27
- "Last This Day" (Feat. Dido) 5:09
- "To All New Arrivals" (Feat. Harry Collier) 5:02
- "Hope & Glory" (Feat. One Eskimo) 5:00
- "A Kind Of Peace" (Feat. Cat Power) 4:14
- "The Man In You" 5:06
- "Emergency" 7:43
I loved No Roots, their last album. I'm sure I wont be disappointed about this one. Faithless has never disappointed me and I'm a huge fan.Hazim.Out.
Listen To Norah Jones' New Song "Thinking About You"!

So just in time for the holidays, here's Norah's new single "Thinking About You" from her new studio album Not Too Late. It's nice,I guess. A little boring but I know that if this makes the cut for Grammy nominations, its gonna be wins,wins, and more wins afor her, and she's already got plenty. Hazim.Out.
PS Norah Jones will be in a movie soon. It's called My Blueberry Nights. ore info once I get it.
LISTEN TO:"Thinking About You"
Michael Jackson Making AComeback? Wayyyyy Out Of Reach Now
Hey.Hazim Here...again. TheWorld Music Awards are nothing but just another excuse to hold an awards show. True that the World Music Awardsare based on sales so there's not much arguing the reason why the winners win their awards. So this year, I was going ho-hum about the awards show until I found out MJ, former King Of Pop, was gonna make an appearance but wait, not only an appearance....but he'd be performing. I immediately thought he was trying to make a comeback after the whole child molestation thing, the moving to an Arab country while wearing women's traditional garb thing, the whole people dont understand me so fuck off thing. I think....maybe not.
Here's what one audience member said:
Tonight I went to the World Music Awards.
It was an amazing atmosphere even though there where loads of empty seats. Beyonce Knowles was fantastic and sang 2 songs early on and one later. Jordan looked amazing in a white backless dress. Lindsey Lohan was so off her head that she had to do loads of retakes for the booing crowd.
But it was all about Michael Jackson, there was a rumour that he was going to sing Thriller. The music started, there was a skinny guy on the stage wearing a red jacket, lights go up and...its not Michael. So somebody else sings Thriller with all these Zombies. When Thriller was finished Beyonce came back and gave an amazing tribute speech for Michael. The crowd went mad. Michael came out thanked everyone for his award. Then the music started, everyone thought Michael was going to sing at that point and when another artist came out they got booed. Loads of the crowd thought that was that and started to leave. But hang on suddenly there where 50/100 teenagers on the stage clapping We are the World - fantastic. So the kids sing the first verse, then the second verse then Michael comes out waves, shakes hands. waves, blows kisses, then starts 'We are the Wor.....'.but the backing tape finishes. Then Michael waves again and leaves the stage having sang three and a half words. No one could believe it. But that was that. It will be interesting to see how it looks on Channel 4.
So three and a half words, huh? Thats more singing than he's done in a while so if you think thats worth it.....haha. Believe me. It's probably not. Ther chances of MJ reclaiming his thunder and being relevant to today's generation are slim. We'll still be spinning Thriller,BillieJean,and all his old material, but so far he hasnt shown us he's got the fire to get it together. Not sure but I think you can download the full version of 'WeAreTheWorld'. I mean, you can probably find it on Limewire anyways. The World Music Awardswas a mess, not run very properly, and the number of empty seats explains it all. Everywhere he goes, there'll probably hoards o adoring people but I think...maybe.....he's done in music.Hazim.Out.
PSIf you want to check out the horrible World Music Awards website, CLICK HERE
Worst Single Of 2006 Alert! Gwen Stefani's "Wind It Up"!

Hey.Hazim Here...again. Who loved Love.Angel.Music.Baby? For some, it made them wish Gwen was still playing Ska Queen with No Doubt. Fr others it was amazing to see Gwen Stefani take the spotlight on her own. Whatever you thought,that album spawned 6 hit singles and a Billboard Hot 100 number one hit with "Hollaback Girl", something pop tart Fergie tried to emulate with her own number one hit, "London Bridge". Is the real thing better than a copycat? Well, judging from Gwen Stefani's first single taken off her new solo album TheSweetEscape, maybe not. I mean, when I first heard the song "Wind It Up" on radio, I thought "UhOh...Someone forgot to take her medication". Kudos to her for trying to fuse The Sound Of Music with the sound of Gwen and she's not that bad a yodeler, but the single is just ALL OVER THE PLACE. It sounds rushed and after hearing the track "The SweetEscape", I think it's a much better first single than "Wind It Up". In fact,"Wind It Up" shouldnt even be on the track listing for the full album.
Regardless,the single will do well because after all....it IS Gwen Stefani we're talking about. The album cover looks cool though but some of the tracks listed to appear on the album sound a bit cheesy. So Gwen Sefani will have to take a backseat while Fergie,Nelly Furtado and the rest of the genre-bending femme fatales take over....maybe? Not sure.Too early to tell. I DO know one thing though: NO DOUBT NEED TO REFORM...PLEASE?

- "Wind It Up"
- "The Sweet Escape" (featuring Akon)
- "Orange County Girl"
- "Early Winter"
- "Now That You Got It"
- "4 in the Morning"
- "Yummy" (featuring Pharrell)
- "Fluorescent"
- "Breakin’ Up"
- "Don't Get It Twisted"
- "U Started It"
- "Wonderful Life"
AwardsSeason 2006:Hazim's Input....
Hey.Hazim Here...again. I've been pretty absent from the internet lately. Haha...je suis desole. Anywayyys....the Billboard Music Awards and te American Music Awards and The Grammys are probably the biggest music award shows nowadays with the MTV Music Video Awards running out of steam. Award season usually starts around this time,no? Well, whatever. The American Music Awards suck. Their nominations and everything is just really out of place and irrelevant to the real music world. Like, this year, they nominated TheEmancipationOfMimi for fave album for this year. And alongside it is JamieFoxx's vomit-worthy album. How toxic can you get? Mariah's year was last year where she dominated the charts for most of the year. She didnt really have a hit single for 2006 and her album was released early lastyear...see what I mean. If award shows are your thing, then you'd know the American Music Awards are a fluke. Kinda like the Loch Ness monster (oooh...I could get political about Nessy any day).
Anyways for a full and unnessecary list of the AmericanMusicAward nominees,click HERE
The Billboard Music Awards are better because their charts are major and dependable and they know what was hot for that year and what was not. They sum it up in sales and radio airplay and then hand the award to the rightful winner. I'm not saying they never get it wrong but you can't really deny actual statistics.
This year sees Sean Paul,Chris Brown,Rihanna,Justin Timberlake, and Nickelback getting major nods and rightfully so. I hate Hickelback but they did have some number of top 20 singles for this year, no matter how hard I cringe everytime I hear one of their songs on radio.
So...if you want to see a list of some contenders,click HERE
Now...onto the Grammys. Nominations will be announced in December. But that hasnt stopped the hype for the biggest music awards show from building and I'll admit, this year's award show was pretty lame. U2, no matter how great they are, did not deserve some of the awards they received that night. Especially AlbumOfTheYear. Predictions come rolling in and if you're into the hype or want to jump in on it, you should check out this site:http://www.goldderby.latimes.com
JustinTimberlake,BobDylan,ChristinaAguilera,MaryJBlige,JamesBlunt,KTTunstall,CarrieUnderwood,NellyFurtado, Madonna,JohnMayer,JohnLegend, and Corinne Bailey Rae look set and locked to get nods for their music. I hope my Nelly F. wins on that night. It'd be cool.
So....are you excited...or not? I'm a little anxious. Not to mention the act that the Oscars and Golden Globes are around the corner too.
PS Looking at trailers for Happy Feet makes me wisj I had a pet penguin...just a random totally unrelated thought. Haha.Hazim.Out.