Hey.Hazim Here...again. TheWorld Music Awards are nothing but just another excuse to hold an awards show. True that the World Music Awardsare based on sales so there's not much arguing the reason why the winners win their awards. So this year, I was going ho-hum about the awards show until I found out MJ, former King Of Pop, was gonna make an appearance but wait, not only an appearance....but he'd be performing. I immediately thought he was trying to make a comeback after the whole child molestation thing, the moving to an Arab country while wearing women's traditional garb thing, the whole people dont understand me so fuck off thing. I think....maybe not.
Here's what one audience member said:
Tonight I went to the World Music Awards.
It was an amazing atmosphere even though there where loads of empty seats. Beyonce Knowles was fantastic and sang 2 songs early on and one later. Jordan looked amazing in a white backless dress. Lindsey Lohan was so off her head that she had to do loads of retakes for the booing crowd.
But it was all about Michael Jackson, there was a rumour that he was going to sing Thriller. The music started, there was a skinny guy on the stage wearing a red jacket, lights go up and...its not Michael. So somebody else sings Thriller with all these Zombies. When Thriller was finished Beyonce came back and gave an amazing tribute speech for Michael. The crowd went mad. Michael came out thanked everyone for his award. Then the music started, everyone thought Michael was going to sing at that point and when another artist came out they got booed. Loads of the crowd thought that was that and started to leave. But hang on suddenly there where 50/100 teenagers on the stage clapping We are the World - fantastic. So the kids sing the first verse, then the second verse then Michael comes out waves, shakes hands. waves, blows kisses, then starts 'We are the Wor.....'.but the backing tape finishes. Then Michael waves again and leaves the stage having sang three and a half words. No one could believe it. But that was that. It will be interesting to see how it looks on Channel 4.
So three and a half words, huh? Thats more singing than he's done in a while so if you think thats worth it.....haha. Believe me. It's probably not. Ther chances of MJ reclaiming his thunder and being relevant to today's generation are slim. We'll still be spinning Thriller,BillieJean,and all his old material, but so far he hasnt shown us he's got the fire to get it together. Not sure but I think you can download the full version of 'WeAreTheWorld'. I mean, you can probably find it on Limewire anyways. The World Music Awardswas a mess, not run very properly, and the number of empty seats explains it all. Everywhere he goes, there'll probably hoards o adoring people but I think...maybe.....he's done in music.Hazim.Out.
PSIf you want to check out the horrible World Music Awards website, CLICK HERE
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