Hey. Hazim here...again. This weekend will be a busy busy one for moi. I'll prolly not be able to use the net much, so...whatever. Here's AshleeSimpson's latest single after the annoying "L.O.V.E". I have to admit, I kinda hate Ashlee herself but whoever the producer is, he/she knows his/her way around huitars and killer beats. Seriously though, at the end, the beats get awesome-er. Check it out. The video's OK and again, I'm not a fan of AcidReflux girl, but the beat is killer like the riff from her other single "Boyfriend". Hey, it's better than ClayAiken's "Invisible". Brrr...sorry I had to remind you of that sucky ass song. Oh and in recent AshleeSimpson news, she recently turned down an offer to pose nude for Playboy magazine. I'll bet daddy JoeSimpson blocked her from doing it. He'd prolly let BigSis do the revealing instead. Hazim. Out. AshleeSimpson-Invisible
Hey. Hazim here...again. I love it when my fave artists do well underground or mainstream and NellyFurtado just reached number one on the Billboard 200 with her latest offering of quirky punkhop Loose. Brilliant album. It definitely deserves the number one spot. Everybody holla and say "HellYeah!". A hot sexy talented MILF reaches number one in the US of A. Oh and by the way, the next single from NellyFurtado's album will most likely be "Say It Right". Can't wait to see the video for it. I'm trynna find the song "All GoodThings (Come To An End)", the version with ChrisMartin on it. When I do, I'll post it here. Promise. No crossing fingers, aiight? Hazim. Out.
Hey. Hazim here...again. Reeling in from the shock of listening to JSimp's barftastic new single "APublicAffair", here's a gorgeous kinda dark song from the ever brilliant NellyFurtado. It's called "Afraid" from her new hot album Loose (GO GET IT NOW!!!) which has been recieving awesome reviews from critics and fans like moi. Check it out. I love the ending when the choire's laughing. It's a fun creepy song. Darker than anything GwenStefani could pull off. Hazim. Out. NellyFurtado-Afraid
Hey. Hazim here...again. While ParisHilton's cheap new song "Stars Are Blind" makes me wish "Hazim Was Deaf" and KFed gives rap a bad rep, JessicaSimpson's ready to take the Worst crown. Her new single has a boring title-APublicAffair. More of a boring affair, a flat affair, and a who-the-hell-are-you-trynna-be affair. Jessica Simpson's become so slutty, she doesn't know which direction to take. Like a little lost girl with big boobs-that's who she is right now. This just shines the light on Ashlee even more. Too many listens to "A Public Affair" might push you to commit suicide. Yeah, it's really that bad. Hazim. Out. JessicaSimpson-APublicAffair
Hey. Hazim here...again. Saying you're 'big in Scandinavia' doesn't mean much. It's really that hard to keep a straight face, but whatever. There's this folkie singer who makes Jewel look amateurish and hey, she's gone platinum in Norway. How come the rest of the world has never heard of this phenom? She's actually already had one album out but her first real international release is calledA TemporaryDive. Her sound is like a BethOrton-ish vibe. The arrangements in the songs are really nice. They contrast well, like synthesizers sliding up against bossa nova. The stuff she sings are kinda predictable, but this is folk music, not electronica. Most folkies are really incredibly annoying (Indigo Girls anyone?) or too selfabsorbed(Jewel's latest album), so by listening to her, you can actually see why she's big in her native country and why she SHOULD sell more records than Jewel. She kinda redeems the bad reputation Folk music has. Another folkie pop girl outta Norway is LeneMarlin who's actually massive in Italy and uh, I'm hoping noone actually remembers the duo M2M. Cutesy pop aimed at making you throw up. But LeneMarlin is prettier than AneBrun. But that's just me talking. Apparently, the critics love her. That's one more reason you should go and se what she's about. Just listen to her music. You'll like it. Check out A TemporaryDive. I mean it. Oh and her name is pronounced like ANN just in case you need to verbally let it out. Hazim. Out. AneBrun'sOfficialWebsite AneBrun'sMyspace
Hey. Hazim here...again. So I'm playing NellyFurtado's new album, her third one, and I've got strong feelings about it. Yeah, so she's succumbed to the booty shaking methods used by Shakira and Beyonce and yeah, she looks weird doing it. The girl ca't dance-don't hate her cuz neither can I. Anyways, here's the scoop. WHATSGOODAfter doing bossanova capuccino WorldMusic attempts on her last album and seeing her album sales drop, NellyFurtado's smart to team up with uber cool producer Timbaland. So NellyFurtado's trynna shove GwenStefani,MariahCarey, and Beyonce outta the way with genrejumbling mix of funk driven pop. She actually (surprise) pulls it off, especially on the reggaeton-ish "No Hay Igual" and the seriously charming first single "Promiscous" trading back and forth talksinging dialogue with Timbaland. "Afraid" is gorgeous and it's a bit more rockdriven. Her quirky personality made her debut album sell big and win a Grammy, so when she hid part of that personality on her second, it bombed. Here she takes control of it and amplifying it, quirking her way to every track and while "Promiscous" and "Maneater" are sitting high on American and European charts right now, I guess it's working. WHATSNOTSOGOODThe downside is that NellyFurtado's voice is a bit too chirpy and fragile to carry off MariahCarey/Beyonce style vocal acrobatics and sometimes, her voice gets lost in the shuffle of Timbaland's killer beats. Just give her time and maybe she'll lose the pipsqueakiness. Or maybe that's what's making her so popular now. GRADEA. Definitely A. Quirkpop meets funkhop. Gwen Stefani's prolly shivering on her throne right now. HIGHLIGHTTRACKS"Promiscous""Afraid""AllGoodThings(ComeToAnEnd)" ARTISTWEBSITEhttp://www.nellyfurtado.com
Hey. Hazim here...again. Well, I knew it would happen eventually. Curiosity does fucking kill the cat. So people who are too curious for their own damn wellbeing go and download and request for ParisHilton's new reggae single "StarsAreBlind". And now thanks to those people, it's sitting higher than Beyonce's new song "Deja Vu" on Billboard's Pop100. Granted, the single's not as bad as expected, but to be fair, it's not exactly 'easy-listening'. It makes me queasy. But whatever, to each his own. But I'm not going to go and legally buy any of her stuff. If I'm caught redhanded sneaking into TowerRecords to buy Paris' album when it drops, you can strip me naked, tie me to a tree and beat me with little twigs. You know how recently, there have been these children in comas waking up because their fave songs were played. This is the case for Eminem, GreenDay, and most recently, a girl woke up after hearing JamesBlunt? Well, don't expect "Stars Are Blind" to do that. Since I can't stop the song from being on heavy rotation on radio stations, I ca atleast keep dissing Paris. Hazim. Out.
Aww...How Sweet. Shakira's Sacrificing Herself To Protect Us From Harmful UV Rays
Hey. Hazim here...again. Shakira has made US Radio history by becoming the most played artist ever, with the success of single "HipsDon'tLie". She recieved a recordsetting (lgeal, ladies and gentlemen) 266,000 downloads in onew eek, allowing her song to be her first number one hit in the US. Yeah, it's exciting to see Shakira featuring WyclefJean "HipsDon'tLie" shoot up and break records, but I was hoping NellyFurtado's "Promiscous" would hit the top spot. Oh well, there's always next week then. Charts are so weird. Billboard has like 9 million different charts. How the hell do they keep track? No wonder so many people don't give a damn about mainstream success. Hazim. Out.
Hey. Hazim here...again. ReginaSpektor has been around for a little while now so you can't tag her as the next big thing anymore, even though touring with TheStrokes has garnered her rave reviews and appraise. So after her breakout album SovietKitsch, which was actually her third album, Regina's coming back to your Cd store with BeginsToHope. 11 rock songs from a Russian FionApple with intertwining stories so seriously deep even I might not care...I'm kidding. She likes telling a story in her lyrics. Ofcourse, noone can do it like BobDylan, but she does it really well. And some tracks from her last album sounded spooky, with her being Russian and all. But whatever, I'm thinking about buying it when it comes out. I think her first single is "Fidelity". I've checked it out already. Nice track, I'll have to admit. Hazim. Out. ReginaSkeptor'sOfficialWebsite
Hey. Hazim here...again. Well, their latest single debuted at a measly (fuckers, you don't knwo good pop music) 101 on the UK charts, but that won't stop me from posting about them on my blog. Here's the video from the single with new member Amelle Barabbah in it. You know what would be seriously cool? If the current members of the Sugababes got together with the ex members to record a single, or better yet...an album? I really miss Mutya..."sigh". But whatever, the track is still good stuff and look out for their Greatest Hits album to hit stores later this year. As for me, I'm gonna blast their best and biggest song ever "FreakLikeMe" until my ears start bleeding. That song is a true sign of genius production from Richard X and suave style from the babes. It still gives me massive eargasms to this day. Hazim. Out. Sugababes-FollowMeHome
Hey. Hazim here...again. Myspace doesn't really help sales of your albums if you're an artist but it can make you popular, which in turn, will convince people go to your gigs and spread the word. CD sales aren't woth much nowadays. Everybody's downloading like crazy, so fast, the music industry can't really keep up. So here's another cool artist I found on Myspace. His name's Gavin Mikhail, a Nashville pianist, who's got the chops to make you think of Billy Joel at his best. Actually, he's not new to this business, cuz he already got two albums out there. One's called LikeNormalPeopleDo and the other's My PersonalBeautyNeeds. Anyways, Gavin has some pretty strong hoards of supporters backing him up already so I doubt this would make a difference. Me posting about him, I mean, but hey, somebody coming across here, reading this, might just go check him out. I think it's cuz he doesn't lose touch with his fans, so he's not bound to start singing about gold rims and pimping hos and shit. Gotta have a reality check once in a while. Apparently, he's ranked number one on Myspace. His music's mostly pianobased. Imagine something like a male Vanessa Carlton, a more stabilized and real RyanCabrera(Ok, that dude is not cool at all), and his songs are something that might play at the end of JoanOfArcadia or Samllville. Yeah, AdultContemporary stuff. But good AdultContemporary stuff. There's a big difference there. Besides, hazim never endorses music he doesn't like. Hazim. Out. GavinMikhail'sMyspaceGavinMikhail'sOfficialWebsite
Hey. Hazim here...again. Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I've been kinda really busy, so forgive me...haha. Whatever. Anyways, pop singer Natasha Bedingfield has reportedly gone out on a date with newly divorced Nick Lachey. Apparently, the pair showed up at Tweeter Center, a club in Mansfield, arm-in-arm then Natasha reportedly met up with Nick at the KISS FM Concert. To some people, they looked cozy. "Nick And Natasha were huddled together in the corner of the VIP lounge" "And they certainly were enjoying each other's company! While everyone else in their group was dancing on tables, they were sitting next to each other, very closely ... They were laughing and looking into each other's eyes in a rather romantic way ... There was no public making out, but they were definitely there on a date." Like whoa, whoa, stop for a minute, I think. These two? First of all, Jessica Simpson is a Class A slut for media attention and Natasha Bedingfield is a clean living goodie-two shoes topping the charts. The only similiarity is that they're blond. I'd say JessicaSimpson's definitely the dumb one and NatashaBedigfield's the smart blond (she's a psychology major for god's sake). But I don't think it'll last and I'd hate to see Nick break Natasha's heart. But if it makes Natasha lash out angrily on her next album, go ahead. All for the sake of the music. Yeah, that's my opinion. Hazim. Out. TittleTattle