WHATSGOODAfter doing bossanova capuccino WorldMusic attempts on her last album and seeing her album sales drop, NellyFurtado's smart to team up with uber cool producer Timbaland. So NellyFurtado's trynna shove GwenStefani,MariahCarey, and Beyonce outta the way with genrejumbling mix of funk driven pop. She actually (surprise) pulls it off, especially on the reggaeton-ish "No Hay Igual" and the seriously charming first single "Promiscous" trading back and forth talksinging dialogue with Timbaland. "Afraid" is gorgeous and it's a bit more rockdriven. Her quirky personality made her debut album sell big and win a Grammy, so when she hid part of that personality on her second, it bombed. Here she takes control of it and amplifying it, quirking her way to every track and while "Promiscous" and "Maneater" are sitting high on American and European charts right now, I guess it's working.
WHATSNOTSOGOODThe downside is that NellyFurtado's voice is a bit too chirpy and fragile to carry off MariahCarey/Beyonce style vocal acrobatics and sometimes, her voice gets lost in the shuffle of Timbaland's killer beats. Just give her time and maybe she'll lose the pipsqueakiness. Or maybe that's what's making her so popular now.
GRADEA. Definitely A. Quirkpop meets funkhop. Gwen Stefani's prolly shivering on her throne right now.
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