
there's this song i like:jennifer hudson feat. ludacris-pocketbook

Jennifer Hudson feat. Ludacris-Pocketbook
hazim and the new asymptotes
hey.hazim here...again. Now, J-Hud's or Jennifer Hudson's Oscar was deemed inevitable during her year and overrated after, as usual people keep changing their opinions. I think she's more deserving to a diva than a lot of people. But I have to say, her single "Spotlight" leaves me bit cold. It's draggy and saggy like it's too much for her to carry it around. And she's got a voice the size of a planet with the same gravitational pull as Jupiter. But that single showed none of the attitude that she showed in the Dreamgirls movie or Sex And The City. Anyhow and ways, this song is off her self titled debut and it's probably the only one I like. It's got her all riled up and pissed off and confidence oozing like it's her natural boy odor. Ludacris adds a forgettable rap, but the thudding thumping beat served on a plate by Timbaland pounds along with her voice and you can picture her in the music video strutting and catwalking down a back alley of a club. Ooh...and the next best catchphrase in hip hop after "Shake it like a polaroid picture" and "we want pre-nups!"......"don't make me hit you with my pocketbook". Ouch. Hazim. Out.

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