hey.hazim here...again. Now, J-Hud's or Jennifer Hudson's Oscar was deemed inevitable during her year and overrated after, as usual people keep changing their opinions. I think she's more deserving to a diva than a lot of people. But I have to say, her single "Spotlight" leaves me bit cold. It's draggy and saggy like it's too much for her to carry it around. And she's got a voice the size of a planet with the same gravitational pull as Jupiter. But that single showed none of the attitude that she showed in the Dreamgirls movie or Sex And The City. Anyhow and ways, this song is off her self titled debut and it's probably the only one I like. It's got her all riled up and pissed off and confidence oozing like it's her natural boy odor. Ludacris adds a forgettable rap, but the thudding thumping beat served on a plate by Timbaland pounds along with her voice and you can picture her in the music video strutting and catwalking down a back alley of a club. Ooh...and the next best catchphrase in hip hop after "Shake it like a polaroid picture" and "we want pre-nups!"......"don't make me hit you with my pocketbook". Ouch. Hazim. Out.
there's this song i like:jennifer hudson feat. ludacris-pocketbook
hazim and the new asymptotes
hey hazim here jennifer hudson,
yesterday, i hit my head and lost my memory. now, how cool is THAT?!?
hazim and the new asymptotes
hey. hazim here...again.True story. Yesterday, I was visiting my opthamologist named Dr. Sahimi who I haven't seen for a while. He did my cornea transplant and I've been visiting him for follow up check ups and stuff. I was pretty sleepy cus I had been trying to recover from a 6 hour van trip back to my home (imagine sitting next to a heavy smoker, with two really noisy talkative old Indian lady birds in the front). So, I went and he checked my eyes. Said there was a good but slow progression.
Then, he told me he was gonna get rid of three stitches in my eye. I was nervous.
I'd be nervous even if he hadn't said that I wasn't going to be anaesthetised (that how you spell it?) while he was doing it. Just a few drops of this numbing thing in my eye. But he said that.
Plus I've got a phobia of needles. And his 'kit' scared me. So under the glare of this really annoying light, he poked and prodded my eye. he said I wouldn't feel a thing, but hey, it's so easy to ignore the feeling of needles in your eye while you're still conscious, right?
Speaking of consciousness, I lost that. Yeps. I fell back on the stool, hit my head on the floor loudly (apparently, the nurses outside could hear me), and was knocked out. OK. Not really. My mother, who was there said my eyes were rolling around in their sockets and I was muttering incomprehensibly. It wasn't a seizure. I don't remember much of right before the accident or right after or how long time passed before I regained consciousness inside the waiting room.
When I DID 'wake up', I had forgotten about 12 hours of what happened. I kept trying to remember why I had chosen my outfit (cus I always remember that) or what I was doing there. My mother was beside me. I was scared cus I couldn't remember.
The nurse came out to attend to the my head, which was bleeding from the fall.
I went back inside and I was still trying recollect my memory. I had remembered that my sister was baking cookies the night before, so I was building it around that.
The doctor scolded the nurse for not being there when it happened. My mother was on the phone panicking and telling every soul in her phone book. He sent me for a CAT scan to check, which really wasn't necessary cus it was so expensive. An extra 600 dollars by the way. By that time, I had gained most of my memory back. But I had a huge headache and I felt like throwing up and my eyes were sore cus it felt like a needle was sticking out. Yucks.
Doctors told my mother I'd be okay. The nurse apologized. I went home and slept a long time.
After all this, I'm still freaked out that I still don't remember what happened right before the fall, and right after. Or why it happened. I could have been too sleepy. It could have been my phobia of needles. Or the numbing thing in my eye.
And I regret that my mother didn't whip out her camera phone and record the whole thing. How many people have temporary memory loss and have it on tape? I could have posted it on YouTube, but did my mother tape me being kinda unconscious? Noooo....she panicked. Thanks mother. I could have had 100,000 views probably. Sigh. At least I'm okay. Kinda. I've still got keratoconnus. Haha. Life (kinda)sucks. Hazim. Out.
hey. hazim here...again.True story. Yesterday, I was visiting my opthamologist named Dr. Sahimi who I haven't seen for a while. He did my cornea transplant and I've been visiting him for follow up check ups and stuff. I was pretty sleepy cus I had been trying to recover from a 6 hour van trip back to my home (imagine sitting next to a heavy smoker, with two really noisy talkative old Indian lady birds in the front). So, I went and he checked my eyes. Said there was a good but slow progression.
Then, he told me he was gonna get rid of three stitches in my eye. I was nervous.
I'd be nervous even if he hadn't said that I wasn't going to be anaesthetised (that how you spell it?) while he was doing it. Just a few drops of this numbing thing in my eye. But he said that.
Plus I've got a phobia of needles. And his 'kit' scared me. So under the glare of this really annoying light, he poked and prodded my eye. he said I wouldn't feel a thing, but hey, it's so easy to ignore the feeling of needles in your eye while you're still conscious, right?
Speaking of consciousness, I lost that. Yeps. I fell back on the stool, hit my head on the floor loudly (apparently, the nurses outside could hear me), and was knocked out. OK. Not really. My mother, who was there said my eyes were rolling around in their sockets and I was muttering incomprehensibly. It wasn't a seizure. I don't remember much of right before the accident or right after or how long time passed before I regained consciousness inside the waiting room.
When I DID 'wake up', I had forgotten about 12 hours of what happened. I kept trying to remember why I had chosen my outfit (cus I always remember that) or what I was doing there. My mother was beside me. I was scared cus I couldn't remember.
The nurse came out to attend to the my head, which was bleeding from the fall.
I went back inside and I was still trying recollect my memory. I had remembered that my sister was baking cookies the night before, so I was building it around that.
The doctor scolded the nurse for not being there when it happened. My mother was on the phone panicking and telling every soul in her phone book. He sent me for a CAT scan to check, which really wasn't necessary cus it was so expensive. An extra 600 dollars by the way. By that time, I had gained most of my memory back. But I had a huge headache and I felt like throwing up and my eyes were sore cus it felt like a needle was sticking out. Yucks.
Doctors told my mother I'd be okay. The nurse apologized. I went home and slept a long time.
After all this, I'm still freaked out that I still don't remember what happened right before the fall, and right after. Or why it happened. I could have been too sleepy. It could have been my phobia of needles. Or the numbing thing in my eye.
And I regret that my mother didn't whip out her camera phone and record the whole thing. How many people have temporary memory loss and have it on tape? I could have posted it on YouTube, but did my mother tape me being kinda unconscious? Noooo....she panicked. Thanks mother. I could have had 100,000 views probably. Sigh. At least I'm okay. Kinda. I've still got keratoconnus. Haha. Life (kinda)sucks. Hazim. Out.
old times! it's britney vs. christina again!

hey.hazim here...again. Christina Aguilera has just released "Keeps Getting Better", new song from her upcoming greatest hits album. And Britney Spears' new single from her upcoming sixth studio album Circus called "Womanizer" has just leaked as well. And you know what? They both sound very alike!
So umm, which one do I think is better?
SONG: "Keeps Getting Better"
ARTIST: Christina Aguilera
Let's see...Christina Aguilera's gunning for a robot vocoded sound now that she's over her retro phase a bit. It's okay, and when she sings "and you'll be lovin' it", she sounds seductive enough to make you forget that she's already got a baby. But then she sings "Next day, I'm a super girl", and you just can't take her seriously. At least i can't. Xtina's always done better on runs and bombast, even minimal ballads but to crouch to Britney's territory is a new low. It's good, but it just doesn't fit her.
SONG: "Womanizer"
ARTIST: Britney Spears
Let's see...Britney Spears is having a go at another comeback after her disastrous year under the media spotlight, what with shaved heads and attacking cars with umbrellas and all. This track sounds like "Radar" off Blackout. But she sounds more engaged. This track wouldn't fit in with Blackout's much darker moody undertone, but it's suitable enough for a decent comeback, that is unless Beyonce releases a mind blowing single, which she always does, so....huh. At least she sounds aware of herself this time even though the gazillion times she repeats the title track in the chorus is the equivalent of having a mosquito in your ear.
So.,. I guess I like Britney's more. Cus it's more fun. I can't say I'm a fan of "Keeps Getting Better" with its silly ylrics and all. Let Britney be the android. Xtina, you be the soul. Together, you are ying and yang. Britney wins this time though. Hazim. Out.
britney spears,
christina aguilera,
hey hazim here
hazim's random sketching 01: the asymptotes
hey. hazim here...again. It's been quite a while since I've posted anything in a while, mainly because of exams. Eeek. I hate exams. anyways and how. I think I'll start posting some sketches on here. See, I've thought about it and I think it'd be cool to have my own comic book, me being an X Men fan boy and everything. It'd have me with superpowers and my friends with superpowers as well. I think I'd like to have telekinesis as a power. Because I love Telekinesis! the artist and because I think the power is awesomely cool and all. And it'd have four of my other top friends in a hero group-Latha, Iris, Desmond, and Sharon. We'd call ourselves asymptotes. No capital letters. Just because. So...here's a rough sketch I did in the back of my exam paper last year. I'll explain the powers of everyone later and all the characters that would be involved. Again, this is just me dreaming but since I LOVE drawing and sketching, this will be fun. Hazim. Out.
backtrack: manu chao-clandestino (2000)

hey. hazim here...again. Shakira and Los Lonely Brothers (is that what they're called...you know, the guys who sing "Heaven"?) haven't exactly paved way for Manu Chao popularity in the States and across the Atlantic or over in Asia, but....I still think he'd make a way better duet partner for Shakira's "La Tortura". This is the title track and second single of his debut album. Clandestino. It's in Spanish. Yeah, as if I understand a word, really now. Yes, it's a bit monotone, the way he goes on. And yes, it may not be anything like "Bongo Bong". But a single in his native tongue was necessary at the time, and this song was more than serviceable. And given Manu Chao's orky boy good looks (a la Conor Oberst, but more bearable), he could have gone another route. The video with the passports and the people of different races (he picked a lot of old oneso throw in so he could shine in comparison, I see) without the presence of an American just drives the point home. Americanization hasn't won yet. Oh, and one of the black guys in the video is a dead ringer for Beanie Sigel. Trust me. Hazim. Out.
hazim. hey hazim here,
manu chao
album reviewed:caesars smoke strawberry weed. make songs for future beer commercials.

ALBUM: Strawberry Weed
hazim and the new asymptotes
hey. hazim here...again. Remember "Jerk It Out"? The song that was featured on the Ipod commercial? The one a while back before Feist with "1,2,3,4" and around the time The Vines scored with "Ride". Well, the band's name is Caesars and its been a while since their last album Paper Tigers. But here they are with new release Strawberry Weed.
WHAT'S GOOD: The album is another rehash of retro from these less suave than The Hives Swedes. It's 60s garage fuzz and scuffle sound with snarly vocal overtones. The drumming is exceptional, like drummer Nino Keller skipped one too many therapy lessons, outbursts of percussion suddenly taking front and center on "Fools Parade". Led by charismatic singer Cesar Vidal, Caesars make music that you don't have to necessarily think about. They make this point through violently jammed hooks sung half-wisecracked, half-gruff. It's like thye're all at home on the couch, drunk but insightful. You can smell the beer on their breath.
WHAT'S NOT SO GOOD: Too much trying to be like The Who, to the point where it's like listening to one of those amateur MySpace bands that keep posting spam in your comment section. They don't get the message. They can't top The Who, and when they try, there's not a song that comes to the accidentally brilliant "Jerk It Out". Trying too hard to sound like a lazy genius makes for a dull grime in a blender of an album.
SOOOO0....: The album's not bad as a whole. And the lyrics are, while not as sharp as Alex Turner's, are still to be noticed. And it does warrant a second spin. But because Caesars sound too desperate to have another hit song (a la "Jerk It Out"). Or another commercial endorsement. Too bad, they don't know the difference.
THERE'S THIS SONG I LIKE: "Fools Parade" "Turn It Off"
rachael yamagata sings about elephant teeth. releases two songs. both are ultra super duper brilliant!
ARTIST: Rachael Yamagata
SONG: "Sidedish Friend"
ARTIST: Rachael Yamagata
hazim and the new asymptotes
hey. hazim here...again. AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! Rachael Yamagata should be ashamed for herself for taking such a freaking long time to release a second album. true that she has released a few short EPS in between, but those are merely tasters which make you hungry for more. And now we have more. A lot more. A two part album in fact, just to stiate the Yamagummers like me. Her last album was brilliant moody rookie Fiona Apple pop with catchier melodies, but just as sad and melancholy. The first part called Elephants will give the familiar, Rachael being moody and vulnerable. But the other is a treat. rachael, with her gritty "I smoke too much" husky voice being all gritty and PJ Harvey-like. It's called Teeth Sinking Into Hearts. The song from that is called "Sidedish Friend" and it's catchy and grimiy a bit. She's all cynical when she's asking you whether you want to be her sidedish friend. It's moody, like her previous work, but when she sounds this snarky and she's sneering at me like she poking me and glaring at me while cooing and belting at the same time, chills run down my spine. The other song "Elephants" is from Elephants (duh) and it's great, a little slower. A lot slower. But it's a great change of pace. It sinks in like a blanket on a cold night. Cozy. Comfy. But disturbing. Because that's how Rachael rolls. Her trademark loping haunting piano. And I love both. But "Sidedish Friend" a little more. And I'm sooo excited for her new album, that I think I need to change my pants now. Sooo excited! By the way, I'm posting the track "Elephants". If you want to listen to the brilliant "sidedish Friend", check out her myspace HERE. Seriously, you should do it. Just a click. Don't be shy. Hazim. Out.
Rachael Yamagata-Elephants//Elephants
i think the hives' last album is underrated. yes. i do.
hazim and the new asymptotes
hey. hazim here...again. I've been putting my computer playlist on shuffle, and I've been sorting through what I like and what I don't because apparently, the space in my PC can't support a billion giga-bytes of songs. But yeah, I was listening to The Hives' last album, The Black and White Album. And I don't get why there were negative reviews at all. I mean, when I heard it for the first time, the only track I could bear to listen was the genius "Tick Tick Boom", mainly because this new Hives sounded like the old one. But after a later listen, a later listens, and yeah and yeah, I've discovered that I like more tracks on the album. Such as the brilliant "Try It Again" and the stomping "Hey Little World". True, sometimes it gets samey and there's really nothing that will come close to "Hate To say I Told You So". And sometimes, Pelle Almqvist gets a bit howly and lyrical content is basically about how great they are. But this is an ego worth noting. While Pelle stomps his foot around like he's a Stooge or a Sex Pistol, you get to bop and rock your head until your eardrums bleed. Seriously, I have no idea why Id didn't like this at first. old sound or new sound, it's a good sound. And just because Timbaland was on it doesn't he has pulled off a Nelly Furtado makeover. Yeah? Hazim. Out.
there's this song i like: little jackie-the world should rvolve around me
hey. hazim here...again. I have been pretty blurred out lately in my mind. Like, fuzzy. Imagine a blow-dried tuft of orangutan hair. But more fuzzy. My girlfriend's gone back to Sydney or Perth, whichever. She's always going somewhere while I'm stationary. But I'm fine. As long as we're together. I'm fine. Anyhow and ways, the key to not being drowned out by someone who always looks better, smells better, and is totally the bomb is to be sure of what you're worth. And thinking about all the special things I can actually offer, her made me think of this song by Little Jackie, a two member band in the vein of The Ting Tings, who serve hip hop with chewy bubblegom flavors. The best song I've heard from them is "The World Should revolve Around Me". It's braggalicious, like Robyn's "Konichiwa Bitches" but with a hook that you can sing a long at the karaoke to. Through the song, we get that rapper/singer Imani is "an endangered species", that she thinks "about which came first. The chicken or the egg?" and that she won't let you "come between her and her afro". Yups. This beats a session with Dr. Phil any day. Boosts your ego ina pinch. Surly emo-tastic teenagers. Stop sucking on your Thursdays and MCRs and start chewing on Little Jackie. Their album is called The Stoop. There are definitely other highlights on the album, namely "The Stoop" and "Black Barbie". This song is currently doing pretty well on the Uk charts. Enjoy. I sure do. Hazim. Out.
so...umm, britney sidekicks the ting tings to win a moonman?

hey. hazim here...again. It's very easy for me to root for an underdog because that's what I normally do (like GO TOGO! at the Olympics), and I've been sympathetic with Britney Spears even before her public meltdown and bipolar mess. Recently, like, on the 7th recently, Miss Brit won three moonmen at the MTV Video Music Awards for her music video for "Pice Of Me". I'm all for her making a (second) comeback but this video does NOT beat The Ting Tings' "Shut Up And Let Me Go". That video rocked my socks like sex could never do even if it was with Jennifer Lopez. Anyhow and ways, Britney's sixth album is supposed to come later this year and rumor is that the first single is called "Underground". Now, don't get excited because this information is from Wikipedia, so....yeah. Whatever though. Decide for yourselves which is better. I'll post both videos. The Ting Tings and Britney. I prefer the Ting Tings. That girl in the group looks like Britney anyways. Oh. Oops, I can't embed the video because IT'S FREAKIN DISABLED!!!! Haha. Whatever, catch it on Youtube. People are so lazy nowadays. Hazim. Out.
weekend junk food: jem gets boring. x-tina has a new hit. and britney and justin for "5 Minutes"?
hey. hazim here...again. so, it's a weekend. I need to go and do some work actually. I've got assignments flooding up my free time, and hunger filling up my stomach. Not food. Fasting really is tiring. Anyhow, and ways...
JEM's new song is a boring as fuck, color within the lines, connect the dots, metronome, monotone, snore fest that would make Dido proud. Ick. Listen to it HERE if you must. [Youtube]
WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN episodes are out, in Spanish, but I'll they'll get pulled from the net soon. Marvel has eyes like Justin Timberlake's got balls. Oh wait.... [Marvel]
The ever elusive miss BRITNEY SPEARS will be recording a duet with JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE. Another "5 Minutes" ? Ummm...no? [Telegraph]
Oh, and to complete the triangle, CHRISTINA AGUILERA's got a new song called "Keeps Getting Better". She's all bliss with her baby and all now. She doesn't need to kiss Madonna on stage at an MTV event to make noise. Cus she'll be performing at the 2008 MTV VIDEO MUSIC AWARDS. Britney will be there. No word whether she's performing, but even if she puts ona sock puppet show, it'll be better than last year's mess. [Youtube]
Fufufufu. That's it. Have a good weekend. Hazim. Out.
there's this song i like: stars-a thread cut with a carving knife
Stars-A Thread Cut With A Carving Knife
dido doesn't believe in love. or changing her damn sound.
hazim and the new asymptotes
hey. hazim here...again. It's kinda frustrating cus I love Dido so much, but this...this new single, the first single off her upcoming third album, her first in like, five years, is just all things boring and dull. It floats on like a rejected Portishead track. And not the good Portishead. Not the Dummy of Third Portishead. Anyhow and ways, this is a disapoointment. "Look No Further" would serve as a better official single, and that's not saying much. Watching a documentary on dandelion seed growth would warrant more excitement. I'm so sorry I don't like it, but for this to be the lead single from Safe Trip Home, her homecoming album, it's just...it makes me shake my head. And sigh. And sigh and sigh. 'SIGH" I'm hoping this will grow on me, but for now, I'm shaking my head. C'est mal. Trop mal. At least the album cover looks cool. Hazim. Out.
hey. hazim here...again. It's kinda frustrating cus I love Dido so much, but this...this new single, the first single off her upcoming third album, her first in like, five years, is just all things boring and dull. It floats on like a rejected Portishead track. And not the good Portishead. Not the Dummy of Third Portishead. Anyhow and ways, this is a disapoointment. "Look No Further" would serve as a better official single, and that's not saying much. Watching a documentary on dandelion seed growth would warrant more excitement. I'm so sorry I don't like it, but for this to be the lead single from Safe Trip Home, her homecoming album, it's just...it makes me shake my head. And sigh. And sigh and sigh. 'SIGH" I'm hoping this will grow on me, but for now, I'm shaking my head. C'est mal. Trop mal. At least the album cover looks cool. Hazim. Out.
you know that song with every single female singer that supposedly matters imaginable?
SONG: "Just Stand Up"
ARTIST: Ashanti, Rihanna, Fergie, Melissa Etheridge, Carrie Underwood, Natasha Bedingfield, Sheryl Crow, Mariah Carey, Leona Lewis, Mary J. Blige, Keyshia Cole, Ciara, Leann Rimes, Miley Cyrus, Beyonce
hazim and the new asymptotes
hey. hazim here...again. I've had a slow week dealing with the fasting month. I'm all hungry, a;; Cookie Monster, almost all the time. I just listened to the song with Ashanti, Ciara, Fergie, Rihanna, Melissa Etheridge, Leann Rimes, Carrie Underwood, Miley Cyrus, Natasha Bedingfield, Sheryl Crow, Leona Lewis, Mariah Carey, Mary J. Blige, Keyshia Cole, and...Beyonce (phew...try saying that all in one breath five times fast). So ummm...what was the point of putting Ashanti and Ciara on the same track again? They sound alike...actually, they're almost negligible in the song. Miley's also got like, no voice. Replace her with Hilary Duff. Might as well. Mary J. and Mariah hold their ground, far superior than Leona or Keyshia. I hate Melissa Etheridge. She's annoying. Her voice sounds like sandpaper on a chalkboard. Yicks. Natasha's okayyyy...I guess. Leann and Carrie don't need to be on the same track either, especially since everyone knows that Leann isn't famous anymore. Rihanna actually ends up sounding the most distinctive despite her voice actually being really weak live. Fergie's okay. The Crow is a snore fest as usual. And...Beyonce's wowee, as always, even though I'm starting to prefer her sister, Solange a bit more nowadays. Yeah, so the track as whole? Okay. Effective. More commercial than Annie Lennox's "Sing" with all those other artists on it (all female as well). But this is for charity, so it at least gets three circles from me minimum. But I can't help feeling that Rihanna, Fergie, and Beyonce could have done this song on their own and it would have been a hit. Not to mention, more effective. Hazim. Out.
hey. hazim here...again. I've had a slow week dealing with the fasting month. I'm all hungry, a;; Cookie Monster, almost all the time. I just listened to the song with Ashanti, Ciara, Fergie, Rihanna, Melissa Etheridge, Leann Rimes, Carrie Underwood, Miley Cyrus, Natasha Bedingfield, Sheryl Crow, Leona Lewis, Mariah Carey, Mary J. Blige, Keyshia Cole, and...Beyonce (phew...try saying that all in one breath five times fast). So ummm...what was the point of putting Ashanti and Ciara on the same track again? They sound alike...actually, they're almost negligible in the song. Miley's also got like, no voice. Replace her with Hilary Duff. Might as well. Mary J. and Mariah hold their ground, far superior than Leona or Keyshia. I hate Melissa Etheridge. She's annoying. Her voice sounds like sandpaper on a chalkboard. Yicks. Natasha's okayyyy...I guess. Leann and Carrie don't need to be on the same track either, especially since everyone knows that Leann isn't famous anymore. Rihanna actually ends up sounding the most distinctive despite her voice actually being really weak live. Fergie's okay. The Crow is a snore fest as usual. And...Beyonce's wowee, as always, even though I'm starting to prefer her sister, Solange a bit more nowadays. Yeah, so the track as whole? Okay. Effective. More commercial than Annie Lennox's "Sing" with all those other artists on it (all female as well). But this is for charity, so it at least gets three circles from me minimum. But I can't help feeling that Rihanna, Fergie, and Beyonce could have done this song on their own and it would have been a hit. Not to mention, more effective. Hazim. Out.
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