
wasn't the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics opening ceremony super awesome?!? gush.gush.gush.

Aren't the mascots super duper whoop-er ultra fucking cute shit!?!
hazim and the new asymptotes
hey hazim here...again. Last night I got all teary eyed and sisy-hearted. Why? I was watching the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics, and my heart melted like a snowball on a frying pan. Amidst all the murky political smog blanketing the games, people were aware that the games are, like the President of the committee said, for the athletes. And for the people. Like me, watching and hoping and crossing my fingers that my own country Malaysia wins some medals. I loved watching all the countries march out, studying their selection of garbs to don and their flag bearers, famous or not (Roger Federer and Chia Ming get roars from me).

The Tai-Chi exhibition? Cool. The glowing floating disco ball thingy with acrobats walking, defying gravity on it? Super cool! The running of that Chinese gymnast on the inside wall of the Bird's Nest Stadium carrying the Olympic Torch to its final destination while the image of a scroll unraveling showed behind? Super dooper cool! And the mascots? The cutest shiznits ever!

I think it's the coolest thing to be an athlete competing....I'm dreaming. Whatever. It's cool enough to sit in front of the television with a bag of chips and root beer cheering on my favorites. Anyways, here are some links to other places on the web for more information, including a link to more pcitures. Check out the disco ball thingy. It's worth it. And what's worth more is seeing people just not give a damn about all the politics or China's stained human rights record or color or sex or religion or beliefs and look like they're just focused on steamrolling the competition to oblivion. That might have made me piss my pants. MIGHT HAVE. Hazim. Out.

For some more pictures of the Opening ceremony: CLICK HERE

For pretty good coverage of the games that will take you until the end: CLICK HERE

For an OK entry about the games in Wikipedia: CLICK HERE

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