
there's this song i like: mirah-dreamboat

Mirah Needs A Bath Now!
hazim and the new asymptotes
hey. hazim here...again. I was bored. Like, really unbelievably bored. I was making baked beans for my roommate. I NEVER cook for people. So that's how bored and unoccupied I was when I happened to come across this artist while surfing (being unbelievably bored). This artist...is not new. indie undergournd lovers probably know her already. But I didn't. And what's the harm in discovering her now, right?
Now, about this artist. Uh, she's Mirah. And uh, she's horny. Like, really extremely unusually horny. As in, her lyrics feature sex, sex , and sex. But that's just on the surface, but if you pay attention, there's bad love, love gone wrong, and a sad tinge. Anyways, she's got a new album, so Pitchfork Media was reviewing her so i decided to go and click on her because ya know I was bored and I needed something to do. The album's called The Old Days Feeling. And I've listened to a few songs. One, I particularly like. OK, so it's not 'particularly like'. More like it's because that's the only YouTube video with a song from the album that I could find. Haha. The song, however, is a nice appetizer for the real meat the album's got to offer. She's got her dirty lyrics down pat with sad laments trolling underneath the songs. Most of the time, it's in a cutesy voice though, kinda reminds me of Annie. The Chewing Gum Annie. But Mirah's definitely less electronic-y. And I'm going to find out more about her before posting anymore. For now, enjoy "Dreamboat". Because bored Hazim sure did...again and again. Plus, the song's really short anyways. Should take -4 seconds to load. How fantastic if you're busy. Junk food for bored people like me. I needs me some more music...NOW. Hazim. Out.

Mirah's Official Artist MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/coldcoldwater

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