Hey. Hazim here...again. I decided that for every new album that I buy that I feel strongly about, I'm gonna have my own little review of it here on my blog, sorta like in the mags. Anyways, the first one I'll do is The Vines' new album Vision Valley.
WHAT'SGOODFor me, the Vines have always been a cross between The Beatles and The Strokes. They have fun, but they're serious so this album's seriously fun. I love "Don't Listen To The Radio" and "Gross Out" is really punky. "Anysound" is a definite contender for a single. The other side of the Vines like on "Spaceship" is like finding yourself in dreamland, like if the Beatles were a bit harder. I know a few critics (fuck them all!) think Craig Nicholl's (lead singer) is a bit shallow in his songwriting skills, but honestly, I disagree. The lyrics are sharper on this one. Definitely better than Winning Days (although "Ride" is one of my fave songs of all time). You definitely won't be embarassed to have this on your Ipod.
WHAT'SNOTSOGOODThere isan't really anything bad bout this album. I was blasting it in the hospital. Gave me eargasms. Sometimes, the lead singer's screaming does get to you, but it's all part of the fun.
GRADEA. Singalong clapalong garage punk. This CD would be awesome for a party. I wish I could see them live...
hey man...I already saw 'em in concert. jealous? lol. kidding man. maybe deyll do a show near your place
Hey. Rachel here. remember. tomorrow. 10 oclock. be there. bye!
nice blog mun
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
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