Hey.Hazim here...again.My fever is calming down a bit after I listened to TheCure. I guess they really are the cure!...haha. Anyways, here's the latest video and single from Pink. She's kinda going downhill chartwise and it's sad, cuz she can be a really brilliant artist sometimes ("Just Like A Pill"), but the problem is that she thinks she's the best goddamn songwriter out there with soul ("Dear Mr.President"). So, I hope this one does well cuz I kinda like it and she looks purty good in the video. Some screen shots even make her look like GwenStefani. Serious. Enjoy.Hazim.Out.
I'm Feeling Cappy Today...
Hey.Hazim here...again. Ugh...I'm not sure what to post. I've still got a high fever and it sucks bad. I'm feeling like crap.shit.poop.dung.waste...get the idea? Haha...since I'm feeling so crappy, I might as well post about crappy music. This is the CheekyGirls (yeah, you heard me...) infamous song "The Cheeky Song(Touch My Bum)" . I did mention it's crappy stuff, so...don't enjoy. I'm feeling sick today. Haha.Hazim.Out.
Music2SeeTuesday:Muse-Knights Of Cydonia
Hey.Hazim here...again.While I'm blasting Muse's hot new album, I'll post this music video of Muse's awesomely epic single "Knights Of Cydonia". Cool video. Kinda artsy, but nothing compares to the song itself. Pretty awesome stuff. I gave the album five stars cuz I love it.Enjoy.Hazim.Out.
Listen To Frankee's "Watch Me"!
Hey.Hazim here...again. Well I just posted about Eamon, the guy who brought you "(Fuck It) I Don't Want You Back". Remember the girl who made an answer song called "FURB" or "Fuck You Right Back"? Well, her name is Frankee and she's coming back with a new album not yet tiled, but you can listen to her new single called "Watch Me" on her myspace music profile page. It's okay, I guess. It doesn't really matter when you look as hot as her. Haha...baring your skin earns you more money than when you bare your soul, right? Where are my moral values? Haha...whatever.Hazim.Out.
Music2SeeTuesday:Eamon-(How Could You) Bring Him Home
Hey.Hazim here...again. I am sick! Literally, dudes and dudettes...I'm sick! Haha...seriously though, I've got a high fever. I'm coughing and wheezing. It feels like I've got a buzzer lodged in my throat. But whatever. Remember a few years ago when this dude named Eamon came out of nowhere with a song called "(Fuck It) I Don't Want You Back"? That song had like amillion "fucks" innit if I remember correctly. I started liking it at first but when they started playing it everywhere, I really detested it. Kinda like DanielPowter's "BadDay". That dude sounds like MinnieMouse when he sings. Anyways, Eamon's got a new single followed by a new song coming out in August, so if you are a fan (I can count them with one hand...just kidding. Haha), then you'd better get his new CD. Actually, the new song isn't that bad. There's been an okay response to it, so maybe his album won't be so bad afterall. His new CD's called Love&Pain (I don't like these kinds of album titles...they give off a bad vibe in the CD store). Enjoy the music video if you can, aiight? Hazim.Out.
CDReview:Muse//Black Holes And Revelations
Hey. Hazim here...again. Now...I'm a pretty big Muse fanatic. After hearing the single "Supermassive Black Hole", I was expecting quite a bit for their next album. Uh...I took a while to warm up to it but once I did, it totally blew me away. Yeah, this is a great album.GRADE:OOOOO
WHATSGOODAnother strong effort, I guess.I really really love the way MattBellamy can switch between sounding like ThomYorke and JakeShears. The single "SupermassiveBlackHole" is the reason why I picked up this album and the main reason why I don't regret buying it. "Map Of The Problematique" is queerly cool and "Knights Of Cydonia" is prolly the best track here. It's their trojan horse and yeah, it's more massive than a supermassive black hole. It's actually got galloping horses mixed with BlackSabbath riffs. Cool, huh? And when he sings "Ooh, baby I'm a fool for you" he almost makes me wish I was gay. Damn...even Prince should take notes. Seriously. It's like techno-goth-funk-something-something-something. It's a sound totally their own and Muse owns it beginning to end.
WHATSNOTSOGOODThe thing lacking is...I don't know. I guess in some parts, you can't really hear Bellamy's voice cuz you're not sure whether to concentrate on the loud techno-heavy music or his screeching. And the lyrics come dangerously close to being GreenDay-ish. "You cast a spell on the country you run, you will risk all our souls". We don't need another preacher please. Muse are a fun band and should stay that way although this album shows Muse being darker and heavier.
GRADEA+. Yesss! I wasn't sure I was gonna like it, cuz people kepy dissing me on the MySpace forums for digging this band, but this album's my guilty pleasure for now. I think everyone should own a copy. It's like...Imagine if Prince fronted a goth-techno band.
HIGHLIGHTTRACKS"Supermassive Black Hole""Knights Of Cydonia""Assassin"
Listen To Annie:"TheCrush"

Hey.Hazim here...again.Are you straight but you're too embarassed to admit you love KylieMinogue's music? Then you should do what I did...listen to Annie instead. Scene kids love her and uh, I love her too.NOTE:I'm not a scene kid. But her albums Anniemal and DJKicks were awesomely awesome dance pop songs for anyone who doesnt take anything much seriously. I was surprised to find "ChewingGum", her song, played on GreysAnatomy. That was unexplainably weird. So here's a link so you can listen to a song (I think) is from her next album. It's called "TheCrush" and if the rest of the album is like this, then I'm gonna have massive eargasms blasting it. The song is like she grew up but without sounding old. It's weird, but cool. Enjoy.Hazim.Out.
Really DumbAss Covers!
Hey.Hazim here...and I'm sorry I haven't updated this blog for a few days. Uh, I just wanted to share some artists trynna do their best covering other artist's shit...the ones with AvrilLavigne are the most hilarious. I'm serious when I say you'd better put on a diaper before you listen to her version of SystemOfADown's "ChopSuey" cuz you'll be pissing your pants like there's no tomorrow. Haha...Anyways, enjoy.Hazim.Out.
How Bush Can Get His Groove Back
Hey.Hazim here...again.This is another YouTube video that made me laugh. What's it about? Well, it's kinda making fun of MySpace and its effect turning you into an addict (like me). Who's in it? KFed, Britney, Bush...a beuatiful combination, no? It's about how Bush can turn around his decreasing popularity and approval rates by joining MySpace.How true...I love the girls with the vibrating butts in the video.Hilarious.Enjoy.Hazim.Out.
Rivers Cuomo Calls It Quits For Weezer...Uh, Who Really Cares?

"And I'm not certain we'll ever make a record again unless it becomes really obvious to me that we need to do one."
Cuomo is now currently in Japan at his in-laws house for his honeymoon. Honestly, who the hell spends their honeymoon at their in-law's house, even if they live in Japan? The other band members served as groomsmen. Well, there should be a Blender magazine article out soon about this but Weezer fans, don't get too flustered cuz the DIEHARD fans aren't too worried. They think Mr.Cuomo just takes a long time between each album. A true artist? Or a lazy ass dude? You decide. I'm still confused at why Rivers would wanna embrace celibacy. Oh well, to each his own, right? But if he's married, then the chances of him throwing his celibacy vows out the window are higher, right?....but who really cares? Here's a link to a Weezer video at the bottom. Enjoy (if you're a fan). Hazim.Out. Weezer-BeverlyHills
BackTracks(1999): Basement Jaxx-Red Alert

Fat Kid Jumping: Seriously, This Clip Is Hilarious!
Hey. Hazim here...again. I just wanted toshare this funny as hell clip of a fat kid trynna dive. Seriously, it must have been painful to experience something like that...but it was fun to watch.If I was a judge in a diving competition, I'd give him a score of 10 for just making me laugh my ass off. Still...I shouldn't be laughing cuz he most prolly DID get hurt...but let's take it lightly for now.Enjoy.If the video doesn't work here on my site, click here.Hazim.Out.

Hey. Hazim here...again. Everybody calls KanyeWest a genius but what if you took away the samples he uses in his songs? True, his lyrics are brilliant when he's not talking about himself...but he follows the typical cut and paste formula of rapping over a sample. Piggybacking is for wussies...haha. Anyways, here's the latest Breakouts post. I never knew of this bdan before, but I love the title of their new album and their band itself. They call themselves Gym Class Heroes and they are a four member hiphop group from Geneva, NewYork. Well, even though I just discovered them (I'm so behind on this, I know...), apparently other famous people know of them already like Pete Wentz from FallOutBoy (yeah, the dude who's got nude pics littered all over the net) and Styles P. Now, the reason I mentioned sampling is because most hiphop artists use sampling as an easy way to get a beat, but these guys use instruments...yeah, different, right? And surprise...two white guys in the band! Haha. Anyways, their new album is scheduled for release on July25th so look out for it. The album's title is As Cruel As School Children. And since I love the names of the songs so much, here's a track listing:
- 1st Period: The Queen And I
- 2nd Period: Shoot Down The Stars
- 3rd Period: New Friend Request
- 4th Period: Clothes Off!
- Lunch: Sloppy Love Jingle
- 6th Period: Viva La White Girl
- 7th Period: 7 Weeks
- 8th Period: It's OK, But Just This Once!
- Study Hall: Sloppy Love Jingle Part 2
- 10th Period: Biters Block
- Yearbook Club: Boys In Bands
- 12th Period: Scandalous Scholastics
- 13th Period: On My Own Time (Write On!)
- Detention: Sloppy Love Jingle Part 3
I Breathe A Sigh Of Relief: I Think I'm Finally Over The Fact France Lost The WorldCup
Hey. Hazim here...again. After France lost the WorldCup to Italy, I wasn't sure how I was gonna move on...haha. But seriously, it was a huge slap across my face.Well, the sting was obvious and I was stuck drowning myself in depressing songs from TheCure and Portishead, but hey, I'm okay now. As a tribute to the country of France, I uploaded a brilliant French song by a French artist. It's Camille with 'Paris'. Pretty song in the vein of Bjork and NellieMcKay, but the difference is that it's in French. If you don't understand French, you're gonna love it even more. Kinda like people who don't understand Spanish but buy Shakira's Spanish albums. She's a genius when it comes altering and tweaking her sound. Just listen to te way her voice warps every few seconds. It's so good, it's like foreplay...haha. Whatever, right? Good music gives me eargasms. Check it out, people. Hazim.Out.
For a list of other FRench artists, click JUMP FOR MORE.
Camille's Failed Audition To Be Mannequin #5 For ProjectRunway 3
For a list of other FRench artists, click JUMP FOR MORE.

Music2SeeThursday:India.Arie feat. Akon-I Am Not My Hair

Okayy...I use like a ton of hair gel every week, so it could be that Ms.Arie is dissing me, haha. But all in all, a great track that I actually found myself humming to myself on the bus ride yesterday morning. Enjoy the video, people. Hazim. Out.
GwenStefani...ThomYorke...Jenny Lewis...And Now...Shirley Manson!

"I thought he’d be very moody and introverted, but he’s not like that at all. He’s quite outgoing and charming. Neither of us has ever written with anybody else before. It’s going to be strange. We’ll see how it goes — it could be a complete unmitigated disaster."
ShirleyMansion is a legend and I'm glad she's going to take her place in the spotlight cuz she deserves it. Can't wait for the album to hit stores...love her voice, love her style, love her attitude. You either love her music or you're one of the guys that wish they could screw her. I'm in both categories *blushes a deep pink*. Yeah, I know...shameless. Haha. Enjoy the Garbage song I uploaded.Hazim. Out.
Thom Yorke Releases Solo Album. Hell Yeah!...Hopefully

Music2SeeTuesday:NellyFurtado-Maneater (Live)

NellyFurtado-Maneater (Live)
Therapy Costs Too Much, So I'll Have To Settle With 'Sandpaper Kisses'
Hey. Hazim here...again. France losing the WorldCup has made me a depressed and sad human being and since I can't afford therapy sessions, I'll resort to music to drown myself into. Yeah, put some Asobi Seksu, Imogen Heap, Dido, Faithless, and Martina Topley Bird. Awesome song from Bird, 'Sandpaper Kisses'. I uploaded it for you guys so any gloomy people out there might like this. Cheer up, guys. France did well until the very very end, so buck up and we can scream 'Allez Les Bleus!" next time around. I'll upload some actual awesome French songs by Camille and KerenAnn another day, for now it's all about the bird. Hazim. Out.

The World Cup Ends On A Sour Note...For Me Anyways
Hey. Hazim here...and I'm extremely disappointed that France lost the World Cup to Italy. It was a heartbreaking match with some stupid actions taken by the French team like the subsitution of Henry and the one thing a lot of people were talking about after the match---Zidane's unnecessary headbutting his way to a red card, losing a lot of fans/ respect for the legendary soccer player. It's not sparring, it's soccer and Zidane's headbutt was just--it wasn't supposed to be. He left his team hanging and unconfident which made it easier for Italy to excel at the penalty shoot-out and winning the whole goddamn thing. I'm really upset over the whole Zidane thing, so I need me a cookie. To watch highlights of Germany2006, click here. Well, I lost money in betting, so that's got me upset. It's gonna be a bad bad week. Hazim. Out.
BackTracks:Bjork-Oh So Quiet
Hey. Hazim here...again. Here's an old video of the ever wonderful, awesomely quirky, highly innovative, brilliantly brillaint...i could go on....Bjork. I just thought I'd bring back an old video. It's "Oh So Quiet", the one where she whispers "shhhh" then breaks out into a big bang of a loud chorus in Bjork-fashion. Only she of the swan dress wearing from Iceland can pull off a song like this. Enjoy the vid. Hazim.Out.
JT's Back With A "SexyBack"!
Hey. Hazim here...again. Well, the wait is over for hormone-overflowing girls who drool over the sight of JustinTimberlake. He's got a brand new single called "SexyBack" to be released in August but (no) surprise, it's already been leaked. So now, it's already on heavy airplay. It's from his new album FutureSex/LoveSounds which features collaborations from Timbaland, RickRubin, SnoopDogg, and my girl NellyFurtado. Apparently, a show on July13th he did was sold out in 4 minutes. Oh and for those of you who don't know, JT's got his own recording company called JayTee Records. Apparently, the nw album is "all about sexiness" and has "an adult feel". That just means more thirteen year old girls will be snapping copies up. Great marketing strategy guys. The son'gs on his myspace profile page so go check it out. It's a bit dirty and a little repetitive, but it's okay, I guess. Hazim. Out.
Do YOU Think JanetJackson's Like A 20 Year Old?
Hey. Hazim here...again. Good day today, me thinks. I just had four slurpees in a row from 7 Eleven and now my brain needs thawing...so anyways...I'm betting some of you's people have heard the new single from Janet Jackson featuring Nelly called "Call Me". It's okayy, I guess, but I prefer the material from her last album. Some polltakers called DamitoJo one of the best albums to have sex too and noone can argue, that album's really sexy. The new stuff from her new album's prolly gonna be another 80's throwback R&B album. Pretty straightforward stuff. Her new album is called...getthis...20 Years Old. Talk about fear of growing old...I think Ms. Jackson has it. She just turned 40 and she's calling herself a Twenty-Year Old. It's like my aunt coming up to me and claiming she's 13. Unbelievable. Anyways, click the link to listen to it. You can decide for yerselves. Hazim. Out.
Music2SeeTuesday:Dashboard Confessional-Don't Wait

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